Multi-Block Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘packMBPLSDA’ version 0.9.0

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packMBPLSDA-package Multi-Block Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
boot_mbplsda bootstraped simulations for multi-block partial least squares discriminant analysis
cvpred_mbplsda Cross-validated predicted categories from a multi-block partial least squares discriminant model
disjunctive Disjunctive table
ginv generalized inverse of a matrix X
inertie inertia of a matrix
mbplsda Multi-block partial least squares discriminant analysis
medical medical dataset
nutrition nutritional dataset
omics metabolomic dataset
packMBPLSDA Multi-Block Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis
permut_mbplsda Permutation testing of a multi-block partial least squares discriminant model
plot_boot_mbplsda Plot the results of the fonction boot_mbplsda in a pdf file
plot_cvpred_mbplsda Plot the results of the fonction cvpred_mbplsda in a pdf file
plot_permut_mbplsda Plot the results of the fonction permut_mbplsda in a pdf file
plot_pred_mbplsda Plot the results of the fonction pred_mbplsda in a pdf file
plot_testdim_mbplsda Plot the results of the fonction testdim_mbplsda in a pdf file
pred_mbplsda Observed parameters and predicted categories from a multi-block partial least squares discriminant model
status physiopathological status data
testdim_mbplsda Test of number of components by two-fold cross-validation for a multi-block partial least squares discriminant model