Bayesian Methods for Optimal Threshold Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘optimalThreshold’ version 1.0

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-- A --

allowedDist An S4 union class to represent allowed dist object.
allowedDist-class An S4 union class to represent allowed dist object.
allowedFitDist An S4 union class to represent allowed fitDist objects.
allowedFitDist-class An S4 union class to represent allowed fitDist objects.

-- C --

cdf Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf-method Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.compoundEvtInnovDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.compoundEvtRefDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.compoundNoEvtInnovDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.compoundNoEvtRefDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.gammaDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.logisticDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.logNormalDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.normalDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
cdf.studentDist Cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
compoundEvtInnovDist An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundEvtInnovDist-class An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundEvtRefDist An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundEvtRefDist-class An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundNoEvtInnovDist An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundNoEvtInnovDist-class An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundNoEvtRefDist An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
compoundNoEvtRefDist-class An S4 class to represent a compound distribution.
credibleIntervals Credible intervals estimation
credibleIntervals-method Credible intervals estimation
credibleIntervals.diagOptThresh Credible intervals estimation
credibleIntervals.trtSelOptThresh Credible intervals estimation

-- D --

decisionCurve Decision curve plot
decisionCurve-method Decision curve plot
decisionCurve.diagOptThresh Decision curve plot
decisionCurve.trtSelOptThresh Decision curve plot
densCurves Density curves plot
diagOptThresh An S4 class to describe the optimal threshold of a diagnostic marker.
diagOptThresh-class An S4 class to describe the optimal threshold of a diagnostic marker.
diagRelUtility An S4 class to sum up the results from the decisionCurve methods.
diagRelUtility-class An S4 class to sum up the results from the decisionCurve methods.
diagThresh Estimation of the optimal threshold of a diagnostic marker

-- E --

estimates Indicator estimates
estimates-method Indicator estimates
estimates.diagOptThresh Indicator estimates
estimates.trtSelOptThresh Indicator estimates

-- F --

fit Specify which distribution to fit on the marker values
fitGammaDist An S4 class to fit a gamma distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitGammaDist-class An S4 class to fit a gamma distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitLogisticDist An S4 class to fit a logistic distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitLogisticDist-class An S4 class to fit a logistic distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitLogNormalDist An S4 class to fit a log-normal distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitLogNormalDist-class An S4 class to fit a log-normal distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitNormalDist An S4 class to fit a normal distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitNormalDist-class An S4 class to fit a normal distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitStudentDist An S4 class to fit a Student distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitStudentDist-class An S4 class to fit a Student distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitUserDefinedDist An S4 class to fit a user-defined distribution on a vector of marker values.
fitUserDefinedDist-class An S4 class to fit a user-defined distribution on a vector of marker values.

-- G --

gammaDist An S4 class to represent a gamma distribution.
gammaDist-class An S4 class to represent a gamma distribution.
gradient Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient-method Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.compoundEvtInnovDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.compoundEvtRefDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.compoundNoEvtInnovDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.compoundNoEvtRefDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.gammaDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.logisticDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.logNormalDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.normalDist Probability density function of a specified distribution
gradient.studentDist Probability density function of a specified distribution

-- H --

hessian Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian-method Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.compoundEvtInnovDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.compoundEvtRefDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.compoundNoEvtInnovDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.compoundNoEvtRefDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.gammaDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.logisticDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.logNormalDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.normalDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution
hessian.studentDist Second derivative of the cumulative distribution function of a specified distribution

-- L --

logisticDist An S4 class to represent a logistic distribution.
logisticDist-class An S4 class to represent a logistic distribution.
logNormalDist An S4 class to represent a log-normal distribution.
logNormalDist-class An S4 class to represent a log-normal distribution.

-- M --

mcmc.listOrNull An S4 union class to merge mcmc.list and NULL types of object.
mcmc.listOrNull-class An S4 union class to merge mcmc.list and NULL types of object.

-- N --

normalDist An S4 class to represent a normal distribution.
normalDist-class An S4 class to represent a normal distribution.

-- P --

plot-method Plot method
plot-method Plot the decision curves of a diagnostic marker
plot-method Plot the decision curves of a treatment selection marker
plot-methods Plot method
plot.diagOptThresh Plot method
plot.diagRelUtility Plot the decision curves of a diagnostic marker
plot.trtSelOptThresh Plot method
plot.trtSelRelUtility Plot the decision curves of a treatment selection marker

-- R --

riskCurves Marker-by-treatment predictiveness curves plot

-- S --

samplePosteriorDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist-method Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist.fitGammaDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist.fitLogisticDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist.fitLogNormalDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist.fitNormalDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
samplePosteriorDist.fitStudentDist Sample in the posterior distribution of the parameters of a given theoretical distribution.
show-method Show method
show-methods Show method
show.diagOptThresh Show method
show.trtSelOptThresh Show method
studentDist An S4 class to represent a scaled Student distribution.
studentDist-class An S4 class to represent a scaled Student distribution.
summary-method An S4 method that summarizes the results of a 'trtSelOpthThresh' or a 'diagOpthThresh' object.
summary-methods An S4 method that summarizes the results of a 'trtSelOpthThresh' or a 'diagOpthThresh' object.
summary.diagOptThresh An S4 method that summarizes the results of a 'trtSelOpthThresh' or a 'diagOpthThresh' object.
summary.trtSelOptThresh An S4 method that summarizes the results of a 'trtSelOpthThresh' or a 'diagOpthThresh' object.

-- T --

trtSelOptThresh An S4 class to describe the optimal threshold of a treatment selection marker.
trtSelOptThresh-class An S4 class to describe the optimal threshold of a treatment selection marker.
trtSelRelUtility An S4 class to the results from the decisionCurve methods.
trtSelRelUtility-class An S4 class to the results from the decisionCurve methods.
trtSelThresh Estimation of the optimal threshold of a treatment selection marker

-- U --

undefined An S4 class to represent an 'undefined' distribution.
undefined-class An S4 class to represent an 'undefined' distribution.