fit {optimalThreshold}R Documentation

Specify which distribution to fit on the marker values


This function is a wrapper to create an S4 object to specify a distribution to fit the marker values.


fit(x, distr, ini = NULL, thin = NULL, burnin = NULL, model = NULL,
  paraNames = NULL, mcmcList = NULL, cdf = NULL, gradient = NULL,
  hessian = NULL)



a vector of marker values (NA values allowed, see Details).


a character that specifies the distribution to fit (normal, log-normal, scaled t, gamma, logistic, user-defined or undefined, see Details).


specification of initial values for the parameters of the marker distribution in the form of a list. Each list must be named. A list should be provided for each MCMC chain. NULL for "norm" and "lnorm".


the thinning interval between consecutive observations. NULL for "norm" and "lnorm".


a positive integer that defines the length of the burn-in iterations when performing the MCMC algorithm. NULL for "norm" and "lnorm".


a character string used to define the model. Must match with the definition of a model compatible with JAGS. Necessary only for the t and logistic distributions (see Details).


a string vector containing the names of the parameters of the submitted distribution. Should be provided only for "user" defined distribution.


an object of class mcmc.list where each list contains an MCMC chain. To be provided only for "user" defined distribution.


a function that characterizes the cumulative distribution. To be provided only for "user" defined distribution (see Details).


a function that characterizes the density distribution. To be provided only for "user" defined distribution (see Details).


a function that characterizes the first derivative of the probability density function. To be provided only for "user" defined distribution (see Details).


This function allows the user to specify which distribution should be fitted to the marker values. If NA values are present in the x argument passed to the function, a warning is produced. However, the user should not discard the NA values from the original data because the length of the x argument is calculated internally to to estimate the mean risk of event occurrence in each treatment arm. So NA values are managed internally by the function. Five theoretical distributions are implemented by the package: normal, log-normal, gamma, scaled t, and logistic. This is here that the user must specify which of the four distributions must be of type 'undefined' (or in other words which distribution must be expressed as a function of the three other distributions and mean risks of event). The user may also define its own theoretical distribution. The details for each theoretical distribution are provided hereafter:


Returns an object to be passed to the trtSelThresh and diagThresh functions.

See Also

trtSelThresh and diagThresh.


#Fit a normal distribution
x <- rnorm(250)
fitX <- fit(x, "norm")

#Fit a log-normal distribution
x <- rlnorm(250)
fitX <- fit(x, "lnorm")

#Fit a gamma distribution
x <- rgamma(250, shape = 2, scale = 1.2)
fitX <- fit(x, "gamma", 
            ini = list(list(shape = 1), 
                       list(shape = 2), 
                       list(shape = 3)),
            thin = 1, burnin = 1000)

#Fit a scaled t distribution
x <- optimalThreshold:::rt.scaled(250, df = 4, mean = 2.5, sd = 2)
fitX <- fit(x, "t",
            ini = list(list(mu = 1, sd = 1, df = 2), 
                       list(mu = 2, sd = 2, df = 4), 
                       list(mu = 3, sd = 3, df = 6)),
            thin = 1, burnin = 1000, model = NULL)

#Fit a logistic distribution
x <- rlogis(250)
fitX <- fit(x, "logis", 
            ini = list(list(location = 0.3, scale = 0.5), 
                       list(location = 1, scale = 1), 
                       list(location = 2, scale = 2)), 
            thin = 1, burnin = 1000, model = NULL)

#Specify which distribution is 'undefined'
x <- rnorm(250)
fitX <- fit(x, "undefined")

#Fit a user-defined normal distribution with informative priors
x <- rnorm(250, mean = 2, sd = 1)
model <- "model
			mu ~ dunif(0, 4)
			log_sd ~ dunif(-1, 1)
			sd <- exp(log_sd)
			tau <- 1 / (sd^2)
			for (i in 1:N)
				x[i] ~ dnorm(mu, tau)
modelJAGS <- jags.model(file = textConnection(model), data = list(x = x, N = length(x)), 
                        inits = list(list(mu = 1, log_sd = -0.5),list(mu = 3.5, log_sd = 0.5)),
                        n.chains = 2, quiet = TRUE)
update(modelJAGS, 1000, = "text")
mcmcpara <- coda.samples(modelJAGS, c("mu", "log_sd"), n.iter = 2000, thin = 1)
varnames(mcmcpara) <- c("mu", "sd")
mcmcpara[[1]][, "sd"] <- exp(mcmcpara[[1]][, "sd"])
mcmcpara[[2]][, "sd"] <- exp(mcmcpara[[2]][, "sd"])
fitX <- fit(x, "user", paraNames = varnames(mcmcpara), mcmcList = mcmcpara, 
            cdf = function(x, mu, sd) pnorm(x, mu, sd), 
            gradient = getMethod(gradient, "normalDist"), 
            hessian = function(x, mu, sd) ((mu - x) / sd^2) * dnorm(x, mu, sd))

[Package optimalThreshold version 1.0 Index]