Create Maps of Air Pollution Data

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Documentation for package ‘openairmaps’ version 0.8.1

Help Pages

addPolarDiffMarkers Add polar markers to leaflet map
addPolarMarkers Add polar markers to leaflet map
addTrajPaths Add trajectory paths to leaflet map
annulusMap Polar annulus plots on interactive leaflet maps
annulusMapStatic Bivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
buildPopup Build a Complex Popup for a Leaflet Map
convertPostcode Convert a UK postcode to a latitude/longitude pair
diffMap Bivariate polar plots on interactive leaflet maps
diffMapStatic Bivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
freqMap Polar frequency plots on interactive leaflet maps
freqMapStatic Polar frequency plots on a static ggmap
networkMap Create a leaflet map of air quality measurement network sites
percentileMap Percentile roses on interactive leaflet maps
percentileMapStatic Percentile roses on a static ggmap
polarMap Bivariate polar plots on interactive leaflet maps
polarMapStatic Bivariate polar plots on a static ggmap
polar_data Example data for polar mapping functions
pollroseMap Pollution rose plots on interactive leaflet maps
pollroseMapStatic Percentile roses on a static ggmap
quickTextHTML Automatic text formatting for openairmaps
searchNetwork Geographically search the air quality networks made available by 'openair::importMeta()'
trajLevelMap Trajectory level plots in 'leaflet'
trajLevelMapStatic Trajectory level plots in 'ggplot2'
trajMap Trajectory line plots in 'leaflet'
trajMapStatic Trajectory line plots in 'ggplot2'
traj_data Example data for trajectory mapping functions
windroseMap Wind rose plots on interactive leaflet maps
windroseMapStatic Wind rose plots on a static ggmap