trajLevelMap {openairmaps}R Documentation

Trajectory level plots in leaflet


This function plots back trajectories on a leaflet map. This function requires that data are imported using the openair::importTraj() function.


  longitude = "lon",
  latitude = "lat",
  type = NULL,
  smooth = FALSE,
  statistic = "frequency",
  percentile = 90, = 1, = 1,
  min.bin = 1,
  .combine = NA,
  sigma = 1.5,
  cols = "turbo",
  alpha = 0.5,
  tile.border = NA,
  provider = "OpenStreetMap",
  legend.position = "topright",
  legend.title = NULL,
  legend.title.autotext = TRUE,
  control.collapsed = FALSE,
  control.position = "topright"



A data frame containing a HYSPLIT trajectory, perhaps accessed with openair::importTraj().


A data frame containing HYSPLIT model outputs. If this data were not obtained using openair::importTraj().

latitude, longitude

The decimal latitude/longitude.

default: "lat" / "lon"

Column names representing the decimal latitude and longitude.


Pollutant to be plotted. By default the trajectory height is used.


A method to condition the data for separate plotting.

default: NULL

Used for splitting the trajectories into different groups which can be selected between using a "layer control" menu. Passed to openair::cutData().


Should the trajectory surface be smoothed? Defaults to FALSE. Note that, when smooth = TRUE, no popup information will be available.


Statistic to use for trajLevel(). By default, the function will plot the trajectory frequencies (statistic = "frequency"). As an alternative way of viewing trajectory frequencies, the argument method = "hexbin" can be used. In this case hexagonal binning of the trajectory points (i.e., a point every three hours along each back trajectory). The plot then shows the trajectory frequencies uses hexagonal binning.

There are also various ways of plotting concentrations.

It is possible to set statistic = "difference". In this case trajectories where the associated concentration is greater than percentile are compared with the the full set of trajectories to understand the differences in frequencies of the origin of air masses. The comparison is made by comparing the percentage change in gridded frequencies. For example, such a plot could show that the top 10\ tend to originate from air-mass origins to the east.

If statistic = "pscf" then a Potential Source Contribution Function map is produced. This statistic method interacts with percentile.

If statistic = "cwt" then concentration weighted trajectories are plotted.

If statistic = "sqtba" then Simplified Quantitative Transport Bias Analysis is undertaken. This statistic method interacts with .combine and sigma.


The percentile concentration of pollutant against which the all trajectories are compared.,

The longitude and latitude intervals to be used for binning data.


The minimum number of unique points in a grid cell. Counts below min.bin are set as missing.


When statistic is "SQTBA" it is possible to combine lots of receptor locations to derive a single map. .combine identifies the column that differentiates different sites (commonly a column named "site"). Note that individual site maps are normalised first by dividing by their mean value.


For the SQTBA approach sigma determines the amount of back trajectory spread based on the Gaussian plume equation. Values in the literature suggest 5.4 km after one hour. However, testing suggests lower values reveal source regions more effectively while not introducing too much noise.


The colours used for plotting, passed to openair::openColours(). The default, "turbo", is a rainbow palette with relatively perceptually uniform colours. Read more about this palette at


Opacity of the tiles. Must be between 0 and 1.


Colour to use for the border of binned tiles. Defaults to NA, which draws no border.


The basemap to be used.

default: "OpenStreetMap"

A single leaflet::providers. See for a list of all base maps that can be used.


Position of the shared legend.

default: "topright"

Where should the legend be placed? One of "topright", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLegend(). NULL defaults to "topright".


Title of the legend.

default: NULL

By default, when legend.title = NULL, the function will attempt to provide a sensible legend title based on colour. legend.title allows users to overwrite this - for example, to include units or other contextual information. Users may wish to use HTML tags to format the title.


Automatically format the title of the legend?

default: TRUE

When legend.title.autotext = TRUE, legend.title will be first run through quickTextHTML().


Show the layer control as a collapsed?

default: FALSE

Should the "layer control" interface be collapsed? If TRUE, users will have to hover over an icon to view the options.


Position of the layer control menu

default: "topright"

Where should the "layer control" interface be placed? One of "topleft", "topright", "bottomleft" or "bottomright". Passed to the position argument of leaflet::addLayersControl().


A leaflet object.

See Also


trajLevelMapStatic() for the static ggplot2 equivalent of trajLevelMap()

Other interactive trajectory maps: trajMap()


## Not run: 
trajLevelMap(traj_data, pollutant = "pm2.5", statistic = "pscf", min.bin = 10)

## End(Not run)

[Package openairmaps version 0.9.0 Index]