searchNetwork {openairmaps}R Documentation

Geographically search the air quality networks made available by openair::importMeta()


While networkMap() visualises entire UK air quality networks, searchNetwork() can subset specific networks to find air quality sites near to a specific site of interest (for example, the location of known industrial activity, or the centroid of a specific urban area).


  source = "aurn",
  year = NULL,
  site_type = NULL,
  variable = NULL,
  max_dist = NULL,
  n = NULL,
  crs = 4326,
  map = TRUE


lat, lng

The decimal latitude(Y)/longitude(X).


Values representing the decimal latitude and longitude (or other Y/X coordinate if using a different crs) of the site of interest.


One or more UK or European monitoring networks.

default: "aurn"

One or more air quality networks for which data is available through openair. Available networks include:

  • "aurn", The UK Automatic Urban and Rural Network.

  • "aqe", The Air Quality England Network.

  • "saqn", The Scottish Air Quality Network.

  • "waqn", The Welsh Air Quality Network.

  • "ni", The Northern Ireland Air Quality Network.

  • "local", Locally managed air quality networks in England.

  • "kcl", King's College London networks.

  • "europe", European AirBase/e-reporting data.

There are two additional options provided for convenience:

  • "ukaq" will return metadata for all networks for which data is imported by importUKAQ() (i.e., AURN, AQE, SAQN, WAQN, NI, and the local networks).

  • "all" will import all available metadata (i.e., "ukaq" plus "kcl" and "europe").


A year, or range of years, with which to filter data.

default: NULL

By default, networkMap() visualises sites which are currently operational. year allows users to show sites open in a specific year, or over a range of years. See openair::importMeta() for more information.


One or more site types with which to subset the site metadata.

default: NULL

If site_type is specified, only sites of that type will be searched for. For example, site_type = "urban background" will only search urban background sites.


One or more variables of interest with which to subset the site metadata.

default: NULL

If variable is specified, only sites measuring at least one of these pollutants will be searched for. For example, variable = c("pm10", "co") will search sites that measure PM10 and/or CO.


A maximum distance from the location of interest in kilometres.

default: NULL

If max_dist is specified, only sites within max_dist kilometres from the lat / lng coordinate will be searched for.


The maximum number of sites to return.

default: NULL

If n is specified, only n sites will be returned. Note that this filtering step is applied last, after site_type, variable, and max_dist.


The coordinate reference system (CRS).

default: 4326 | scope: dynamic & static

The coordinate reference system (CRS) of the data, passed to sf::st_crs(). By default this is EPSG:4326, the CRS associated with the commonly used latitude and longitude coordinates. Different coordinate systems can be specified using crs (e.g., crs = 27700 for the British National Grid). Note that non-lat/lng coordinate systems will be re-projected to EPSG:4326 for plotting on the map.


Return a map?

default: TRUE

If TRUE, the default, searchNetwork() will return a leaflet map. If FALSE, it will instead return a tibble.


Data subsetting progresses in the order in which the arguments are given; first source and year, then site_type and variable, then max_dist, and finally n.


Either a tibble or leaflet map.

See Also

Other uk air quality network mapping functions: networkMap()


## Not run: 
# get all AURN sites open in 2020 within 20 km of Buckingham Palace
palace <- convertPostcode("SW1A1AA")
searchNetwork(lat = palace$lat, lng = palace$lng, max_dist = 20, year = 2020)

## End(Not run)

[Package openairmaps version 0.9.0 Index]