Spatial Capture-Recapture (SCR) Methods Using 'nimble'

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Documentation for package ‘nimbleSCR’ version 0.2.1

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calcLocalTrapDists Local Trap Calculations
calcLocalTrapExposure Local Trap Calculations
calculateDensity NIMBLE function to calculate the density of individuals alive in each habitat cell.
calcWindowSizes Window size calculation
dbernppAC Bernoulli point process for the distribution of activity centers
dbernppACmovement_exp Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (exponential kernel)
dbernppACmovement_normal Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (normal kernel)
dbernppDetection_normal Bernoulli point process detection model
dbernppLocalACmovement_exp Local evaluation of a Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (exponential kernel)
dbernppLocalACmovement_normal Local evaluation of a Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (normal kernel)
dbernppLocalDetection_normal Local evaluation for a Bernoulli point process detection model
dbinomLocal_exp Local evaluation of a binomial SCR observation process
dbinomLocal_normal Local evaluation of a binomial SCR detection process
dbinomLocal_normalPlateau Local evaluation of a binomial SCR observation process
dbinom_vector Vectorized binomial distribution
dcatState1Alive1Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with one alive and one dead states.
dcatState1Alive2Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with one alive and two dead states.
dcatState2Alive2Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with two alive and two dead states.
dDispersal_exp Bivariate exponential dispersal distribution for activity centers
dHabitatMask Ones trick distribution for irregular habitat shapes
dmultiLocal_normal Local evaluation of a multinomial SCR detection process
dnormalizer Normalizing constant generator
dpoisLocal_normal Local evaluation of a Poisson SCR detection process
dpoisppAC Poisson point process for the distribution of activity centers
dpoisppDetection_normal Poisson point process detection model
dpoisppLocalDetection_normal Local evaluation for a Poisson point process detection model
findLocalTraps Local Trap Calculations
getHomeRangeArea Computation of home range radius and area
getLocalObjects Local Objects Identification
getLocalTrapIndices Local Trap Calculations
getMidPointNodes Generate midpoint integration nodes
getNumLocalTraps Local Trap Calculations
getSparseY Sparse Matrix Preparation
getWindowCoords Get lower and upper windows coordinates
getWindowIndex Get window index
integrateIntensityLocal_normal Integrate the multivariate normal intensity with local evaluation
integrateIntensity_exp Integrate the multivariate exponential intensity
integrateIntensity_normal Integrate the multivariate normal intensity
localTrapCalculations Local Trap Calculations
makeGrid Local Trap Calculations
marginalVoidProbIntegrand Integrand of the marginal void probability integral
marginalVoidProbNumIntegration Marginal void probability
rbernppAC Bernoulli point process for the distribution of activity centers
rbernppACmovement_exp Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (exponential kernel)
rbernppACmovement_normal Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (normal kernel)
rbernppDetection_normal Bernoulli point process detection model
rbernppLocalACmovement_exp Local evaluation of a Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (exponential kernel)
rbernppLocalACmovement_normal Local evaluation of a Bernoulli point process for activity center movement (normal kernel)
rbernppLocalDetection_normal Local evaluation for a Bernoulli point process detection model
rbinomLocal_exp Local evaluation of a binomial SCR observation process
rbinomLocal_normal Local evaluation of a binomial SCR detection process
rbinomLocal_normalPlateau Local evaluation of a binomial SCR observation process
rbinom_vector Vectorized binomial distribution
rcatState1Alive1Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with one alive and one dead states.
rcatState1Alive2Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with one alive and two dead states.
rcatState2Alive2Dead Density and random generation of a categorical distribution describing state transition with two alive and two dead states.
rDispersal_exp Bivariate exponential dispersal distribution for activity centers
rHabitatMask Ones trick distribution for irregular habitat shapes
rmultiLocal_normal Local evaluation of a multinomial SCR detection process
rnormalizer Normalizing constant generator
rpoisLocal_normal Local evaluation of a Poisson SCR detection process
rpoisppAC Poisson point process for the distribution of activity centers
rpoisppDetection_normal Poisson point process detection model
rpoisppLocalDetection_normal Local evaluation for a Poisson point process detection model
sampler_categorical_general 'nimble' MCMC sampler function for general categorial distributions
scaleCoordsToHabitatGrid Scale x- and y-coordinates to grid cells coordinates.
stratRejectionSampler_exp Stratified rejection sampler for multivariate exponential point process
stratRejectionSampler_normal Stratified rejection sampler for multivariate normal point process