Network Meta-Analysis using Frequentist Methods

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Documentation for package ‘netmeta’ version 2.9-0

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netmeta-package netmeta: Brief overview of methods and general hints

-- A -- Create a data frame from an object of class netconnection Create a data frame from an object of class netmeta

-- B --

Baker2009 Network meta-analysis of pharmacologic treatments for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
baujat.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- C --

comps Abbreviate treatment names

-- D -- Design-based decomposition of Cochran's Q in network meta-analysis
dietaryfat Network meta-analysis of dietary fat
discomb Additive network meta-analysis for combinations of treatments (disconnected networks)
Dogliotti2014 Network meta-analysis of antithrombotic treatments in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation
Dong2013 Network meta-analysis for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

-- F --

forest.netbind Forest plot showing results of two or more network meta-analyses
forest.netcomb Forest plot for additive network meta-analysis
forest.netcomparison Forest plot for complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
forest.netcomplex Forest plot for complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
forest.netcomt Forest plot for additive network meta-analysis
forest.netmeta Forest plot for network meta-analysis
forest.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
forest.netsplit Forest plot for direct and indirect evidence
Franchini2012 Network meta-analysis of treatments for Parkinson's disease
funnel.netmeta 'Comparison-adjusted' funnel plot
funnel.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- G --

Gurusamy2011 Network meta-analysis on blood loss during liver transplantation

-- H --

hasse Hasse diagram
hatmatrix Derive hat matrix from network meta-analysis
heatplot Generic function for heat plots
heatplot.netmeta Heat Plot

-- I --

invmat Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse of a Matrix

-- L --

Linde2015 Network meta-analysis of treatments for depression
Linde2016 Network meta-analysis of primary care depression treatments

-- M --

metabias.netmeta Test of funnel plot asymmetry in network meta-analysis
metabias.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
metacum.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
metainf.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
metareg.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- N --

netbind Combine network meta-analysis objects
netcomb Additive network meta-analysis for combinations of treatments
netcomparison Calculate comparison effects of two arbitrary complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
netcomplex Calculate effect of arbitrary complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
netconnection Get information on network connectivity (number of subnetworks, distance matrix)
netconnection.default Get information on network connectivity (number of subnetworks, distance matrix)
netconnection.pairwise Get information on network connectivity (number of subnetworks, distance matrix)
netcontrib Contribution matrix in network meta-analysis
netdistance Calculate distance matrix for an adjacency matrix
netgraph Generic function for network graphs
netgraph.discomb Network graph for objects of class discomb
netgraph.netcomb Network graph for objects of class netcomb
netgraph.netconnection Network graph for objects of class netconnection
netgraph.netimpact Network graph for objects of class netimpact
netgraph.netmeta Network graph
netheat Net heat plot
netimpact Determine the importance of individual studies in network meta-analysis
netleague Create league table with network meta-analysis results
netmatrix Create a matrix with additional information for pairwise comparisons
netmeasures Measures for characterizing a network meta-analysis
netmeta Network meta-analysis using graph-theoretical method
netmetabin Network meta-analysis of binary outcome data
netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
netposet Partial order of treatments in network meta-analysis
netrank Frequentist method to rank treatments in network
netsplit Split direct and indirect evidence in network meta-analysis
nettable Table with network meta-analysis results

-- P --

pairwise Transform meta-analysis data from two arm-based formats into contrast-based format
parkinson Network meta-analysis of treatments for Parkinson's disease
plot.netbind Forest plot showing results of two or more network meta-analyses
plot.netcomb Forest plot for additive network meta-analysis
plot.netcomparison Forest plot for complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
plot.netcomplex Forest plot for complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
plot.netmeta Forest plot for network meta-analysis
plot.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
plot.netposet Scatter plot or biplot showing partially order of treatment ranks
plot.netrank Plot treatment ranking(s) of network meta-analyses
plot.netsplit Forest plot for direct and indirect evidence
plot.rankogram Plot rankograms Print method for objects of class
print.hatmatrix Derive hat matrix from network meta-analysis
print.metabias.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.metacum.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.metainf.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.metareg.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.netbind Print method for objects of class netbind
print.netcomb Print method for objects of class netcomb
print.netcomparison Calculate comparison effects of two arbitrary complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
print.netcomplex Calculate effect of arbitrary complex interventions in component network meta-analysis
print.netconnection Get information on network connectivity (number of subnetworks, distance matrix)
print.netcontrib Contribution matrix in network meta-analysis
print.netimpact Print method for objects of class netimpact
print.netleague Create league table with network meta-analysis results
print.netmeta Network meta-analysis using graph-theoretical method
print.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.netposet Partial order of treatments in network meta-analysis
print.netrank Frequentist method to rank treatments in network
print.netsplit Split direct and indirect evidence in network meta-analysis
print.nettable Table with network meta-analysis results
print.rankogram Calculate rankogram
print.summary.netcomb Print detailed information for component network meta-analysis
print.summary.netmeta Print detailed results of network meta-analysis
print.summary.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
print.trimfill.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- R --

radial.netmeta 'Comparison-adjusted' radial plot
radial.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis
rankogram Calculate rankogram

-- S --

Senn2013 Network meta-analysis in diabetes
smokingcessation Network meta-analysis of interventions for smoking cessation
Stowe2010 Network meta-analysis of adjuvant treatments to levodopa therapy for Parkinson's disease
subset.pairwise Return subset of pairwise object
summary.netcomb Summary method for objects of class netcomb
summary.netmeta Summary method for objects of class netmeta
summary.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- T --

treats Abbreviate treatment names
trimfill.netpairwise Conduct pairwise meta-analyses for all comparisons with direct evidence in a network meta-analysis

-- W --

Woods2010 Count statistics of survival data