Multivariate Comparative Tools for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data

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Documentation for package ‘mvMORPH’ version 1.1.9

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mvMORPH-package Multivariate Comparative Methods for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data
aicw Akaike weights
ancestral Estimation of traits ancestral states.
coef.mvgls Extract multivariate gls (or ols) model coefficients
dfaShape Projection of 2D and 3D shapes (from geometric morphometric datasets) on Discriminant axes
effectsize Multivariate measure of association/effect size for objects of class "manova.gls"
EIC Extended Information Criterion (EIC) to compare models fit with 'mvgls' (or 'mvols') by Maximum Likelihood (ML) or Penalized Likelihood (PL)
estim Ancestral states reconstructions and missing value imputation with phylogenetic/time-series models
fitted.mvgls Extract multivariate gls (or ols) model fitted values
GIC Generalized Information Criterion (GIC) to compare models fit with 'mvgls' (or 'mvols') by Maximum Likelihood (ML) or Penalized Likelihood (PL)
halflife The phylogenetic half-life for an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
LRT Likelihood Ratio Test
manova.gls Multivariate Analysis of Variance
mv.Precalc Model parameterization for the various mvMORPH functions
mvBM Multivariate Brownian Motion models of continuous traits evolution
mvEB Multivariate Early Burst model of continuous traits evolution
mvgls Fit linear model using Generalized Least Squares to multivariate (high-dimensional) data sets
mvgls.dfa Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) - also called Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) or Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) - based on multivariate GLS (or OLS) model fit
mvgls.pca Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on GLS (or OLS) estimate of the traits variance-covariance matrix (possibly regularized)
mvLL Multivariate (and univariate) algorithms for log-likelihood estimation of arbitrary covariance matrix/trees
mvMORPH Multivariate Comparative Methods for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data
mvols Fit linear model using Ordinary Least Squares to multivariate (high-dimensional) data sets
mvOU Multivariate Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model of continuous traits evolution
mvOUTS Multivariate continuous trait evolution for a stationary time series (Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model)
mvqqplot Quantile-Quantile plots for multivariate models fit with 'mvgls' or 'mvols'
mvRWTS Multivariate Brownian motion / Random Walk model of continuous traits evolution on time series
mvSHIFT Multivariate change in mode of continuous trait evolution
mvSIM Simulation of (multivariate) continuous traits on a phylogeny
pairwise.contrasts Pairwise contrasts
pairwise.glh Pairwise multivariate tests between levels of a factor
pcaShape Projection of 2D and 3D shapes (from geometric morphometric datasets) on Principal Component Axes (PCA)
phyllostomid Phylogeny and trait data for a sample of Phyllostomid bats
predict.mvgls Predictions from (multivariate) gls or ols model fit
predict.mvgls.dfa Predictions from Discriminant analysis conducted with a mvgls model fit
pruning Pruning algorithm to compute the square root of the phylogenetic covariance matrix and its determinant.
residuals.mvgls Extract gls (or ols) model residuals
stationary The stationary variance of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process
vcov.mvgls Calculate variance-covariance matrix for a fitted object of class 'mvgls'