average.fit.models |
Calculate a weighted average of pglm |
calc.q2n.ratio |
Calculate the ratio of fit predictor variables to sample size |
cept |
Include all variables except ... |
comp.data |
Comparative Data |
compare.data.gs.vs.tree.tips |
Find data being dropped by mismatches to the tree |
correct.AIC |
Correct AIC |
count.mod.vars |
Count the predictor variables in a model |
ct.possible.models |
Count all possible model combinations |
drop.na.data |
Drop any rows with NA values |
fit.1ln.rprt |
Report a model fit in a single line of text output |
get.mod.clmns |
Get model columns |
get.mod.outcome |
Get the outcome variable from a model string |
get.mod.vars |
Get model variable names |
get.model.combos |
All combinations of predictor variables |
get.pgls.coefs |
Get coeficients from a list of PGLS model-fits (from each selected subset) |
get.phylo.stats |
Get tree statistics for a trait |
gs.check |
Check "Genus species" name formatting |
gs.names.mismatch.check |
Check "Genus species" name formatting |
gs.rename |
Rename the Genus species information in a data frame |
interpolate |
Interpolate missing data in a data frame |
missing.data |
Report missing values in a dataframe |
missing.fill.in |
Fill in missing values in a dataframe with a secondary source |
pgls.iter |
Iterate through PGLS estimations |
pgls.iter.stats |
Statistics from PGLS runs |
pgls.print |
Print the results of a PGLS model fit |
pgls.report |
Report PGLS results as a table |
pgls.wrap |
A Wrapper for PGLS model |
plot.confound.grid |
Plot a grid of x y plots split by a confounder z |
plot.pgls.iters |
Plot the PGLS iterations |
plot.pgls.R2AIC |
Plot (R2 vs AIC) results of a collection of fit PGLS models |
plot.transformed.phylo |
Plot a transformed phylogenetic tree |
plot.xy.ab.p |
An x/y scatterplot with a linear regression line and p-value |
select.best.models |
Get the best model from list of PGLS model fits |
sparge.modsel |
Coeficients distribution [sparge] plot of models selected from each subset |
trim.phylo |
Trim a phylogenetic tree using Genus species names |
variable.importance |
Calculate a weighted average of pglm |
weight.IC |
Get IC weights |