Do 16s Data Analysis and Generate Figures

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Documentation for package ‘microbial’ version 0.0.20

Help Pages

.checkfile check file format
.getstar replace p value with star LEfse function
betadiv calcaute beta diversity
betatest PERMANOVA test for phyloseq
biomarker Identify biomarker by using randomForest method
buildTree contruction of plylogenetic tree (extreme slow)
data-physeq The physeq data was modified from the (Data) Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample (2011)
difftest Calculate differential bacteria with DESeq2
distcolor distinguish colors for making figures
do_aov do anova test and return results as data.frame
do_ttest do t.test
do_wilcox do wilcox test
glmr Do the generalized linear model regression
ldamarker Identify biomarker by using LEfSe method
lightcolor light colors for making figures
normalize Normalize the phyloseq object with different methods
otu_table extract otu table
physeq The physeq data was modified from the (Data) Global patterns of 16S rRNA diversity at a depth of millions of sequences per sample (2011)
phy_tree Retrieve phylogenetic tree (phylo-class) from object.
plotalpha plot alpha diversity
plotbar plot bar for relative abundance for bacteria
plotbeta plot beta diversity
plotdiff plot differential results
plotLDA plot LEfSe results from ldamarker function
plotmarker plot the biomarker from the biomarker function with randomForest
plotquality plot the quality for the fastq file
prefilter filter the phyloseq
preRef Download the reference database
processSeq Perform dada2 analysis
psmelt Melt phyloseq data object into large data.frame
richness calculat the richness for the phyloseq object
sample_data extract sample information
subset_samples Subset the phyloseq based on sample
subset_taxa Subset species by taxonomic expression
tax_table extract taxonomy table