miRNA Text Mining in Abstracts

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Documentation for package ‘miRetrieve’ version 1.3.4

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add_col_topic Add topic column to data frame
animal_keywords Keywords - animals.
assign_topic Assign topics based on precalculated scores
assign_topic_lda Assign topics based on LDA model
biomarker_keywords Keywords - biomarkers.
calculate_score_animals Calculate animal model scores for abstracts
calculate_score_biomarker Calculate biomarker scores for abstracts
calculate_score_patients Calculate patients scores for abstracts
calculate_score_topic Calculate scores of a self-chosen topic
combine_df Combine data frames into one data frame
combine_mir Combine miRNA vectors into one
combine_stopwords Combine data frames containing stop words
compare_mir_count Compare count of miRNA names between different topics
compare_mir_count_log2 Compare log2-frequency count of miRNA names between two topics
compare_mir_count_unique Compare top count of unique miRNA names per topic
compare_mir_terms Compare count of terms associated with a miRNA name over various topics
compare_mir_terms_log2 Compare log2-frequency count of terms associated with a miRNA name
compare_mir_terms_scatter Compare shared terms associated with a miRNA name
compare_mir_terms_unique Compare terms uniquely associated with a miRNA name
count_mir Count miRNA names in a data frame
count_mir_threshold Count occurrence of miRNA names above threshold
count_snp Count SNPs in a data frame
count_target Count targets in data frame
df_crc Dataset of PubMed data of miRNAs in Colorectal Cancer
df_mirtarbase miRTarBase version 8.0
df_panc Dataset of PubMed data of miRNAs in Pancreatic Cancer
df_test Test dataset of PubMed abstracts
extract_mir_df Extract miRNA names from abstracts in data frame
extract_mir_string Extract miRNA names from string
extract_snp Extract SNPs from abstracts in data frame
fit_lda Fit LDA-model
generate_stopwords Generate data frame containing stop words
get_distinct_mir_df Identify top miRNA names distinct for one topic compared to another topic
get_distinct_mir_vec Identify miRNA names distinct for one vector compared to another vector
get_mir Get miRNA names from a data frame
get_pmid Get PubMed-IDs of a data frame
get_shared_mir_df Get top miRNA names in common between two topics of a data frame
get_shared_mir_vec Get miRNA names in common between two vectors
get_snp Get SNPs from a data frame
indicate_mir Indicate if a miRNA name is contained in an abstract
indicate_term Indicate if a term is contained in abstracts
join_mirtarbase Add miRNA targets from miRTarBase version 8.0
join_targets Add miRNA targets from an xlsx-file to a data frame
ngram_stopwords Stop words for n-grams
patients_keywords Keywords - patients.
plot_lda_term Plot terms associated with LDA-fitted topics
plot_mir_count Plot count of most frequently mentioned miRNA names
plot_mir_count_threshold Plot occurrence count of miRNA names over different thresholds
plot_mir_development Plot development of miRNA name mentioning over time
plot_mir_new Plot number of newly mentioned miRNA names/year
plot_mir_terms Plot count of top terms associated with a miRNA name
plot_perplexity Plot perplexity score of various LDA models
plot_score_animals Plot frequency of animal model scores in abstracts
plot_score_biomarker Plot frequency of biomarker scores in abstracts
plot_score_patients Plot frequency of patient scores in abstracts
plot_score_topic Plot frequency of self-chosen topic scores in abstracts
plot_target_count Plot count of miRNA targets
plot_target_mir_scatter Plot targets and corresponding miRNAs as a scatter plot
plot_wordcloud Create wordcloud of terms associated with a miRNA name
read_pubmed Convert PubMed-file from PubMed into a data frame
read_pubmed_jats Convert JATS-file from PubMed into a data frame
save_excel Save data frame(s) as xlsx-file
save_plot Save the last generated figure
stopwords_2gram Stop words for text mining with common PubMed 2-grams
stopwords_miretrieve Stop words for text mining with miRetrieve
stopwords_pubmed Stop words for text mining from PubMed abstracts
subset_df Subset data frame for a term
subset_mir Subset data frame for specific miRNA names
subset_mir_threshold Subset data frame for miRNA names exceeding a threshold
subset_research Subset data frame for abstracts of research articles
subset_review Subset data frame for abstracts of review articles
subset_snp Subset data frame for specific SNPs
subset_year Subset data frame for abstracts published in a specific period