are_mhcnuggets_names | Are these MHCnuggets names? |
check_mhcnuggets_installation | Check if MHCnuggets is installed. |
check_mhcnuggets_options | Check the MHCnuggets options. |
check_mhcnuggets_options_names | Check the names of the elements in an 'mhcnuggets_options' list. |
check_mhc_class | Check the MHC class. |
create_mhcnuggets_options | Create a set of MHCnuggets options. |
create_temp_peptides_path | Create a path to a non-existing temporary file |
create_test_mhcnuggets_options | Create testing options for MHCnuggets |
default_params_doc | This function does nothing. It is intended to inherit the documentation of the parameters from. |
downgrade_pip | Downgrade pip. |
get_default_mhcnuggets_folder | Get the path to the folder where this package installs MHCnuggets by default |
get_example_filename | Get the full path to an MHCnuggets example file |
get_example_filenames | Get the full path to all MHCnuggets example files |
get_mhcnuggets_url | Get the URL of the MHCnuggets source code |
get_mhcnuggets_version | Get the MHCnuggets version |
get_mhc_1_haplotypes | Get all the MHC-I haplotypes |
get_mhc_2_haplotypes | Get all the MHC-II haplotypes |
get_pip_version | Get the version of pip |
get_python_package_versions | Get the version of all Python packages |
get_trained_mhc_1_haplotypes | Get all the MHC-I haplotypes that have been trained on a model |
get_trained_mhc_2_haplotypes | Get all the MHC-II haplotypes that have been trained on a model |
install_mhcnuggets | Install the 'MHCnuggets' 'Python' package. |
install_pip | Install pip. |
is_mhcnuggets_installed | Check if MHCnuggets is installed |
is_mhcnuggets_name | Is this an MHCnuggets name? |
is_mhcnuggets_options | Is this a 'mhcnuggets_options'? |
is_on_appveyor | Determines if the environment is AppVeyor |
is_on_ci | Determines if the environment is a continuous integration service |
is_on_travis | Determines if the environment is Travis CI |
is_pip_installed | Determine if pip is installed |
mhcnuggetsr | mhcnuggetsr: estimate the topoplogy of membrane proteins |
mhcnuggetsr_report | Create a mhcnuggetsr report, to be used when reporting bugs |
mhcnuggetsr_self_test | Self-test the package |
predict_ic50 | Predict the IC50 for peptides. |
predict_ic50s | Predict the half maximal inhibitory concentrations (aka IC50s) (in nM) of all possible n-mers within a peptide |
predict_ic50_from_file | Predict the half maximal inhibitory concentration (aka IC50) (in nM) for one or more peptides as saved in a file. Each peptide must be 15 amino acids at most (use predict_ic50s to predict the IC50s for longer peptides) |
set_is_mhcnuggets_installed | Set the MHCnuggets installation state to the desired one |
set_pip_version | Set the version of pip. |
to_mhcnuggets_name | Convert a standard haplotype name to the MHCnuggets name |
to_mhcnuggets_names | Convert one or more standard haplotype name to the MHCnuggets names |
uninstall_mhcnuggets | Uninstall the MHCnuggets Python package. |
uninstall_pip | Install pip. |
upgrade_pip | Uograde pip. |