Visualisations for Generalized Additive Models

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Documentation for package ‘mgcViz’ version 0.1.11

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ALE Generic function for Accumulated Local Effect (ALE)
ALE.gam Create Accumulated Local Effects (ALE) for GAMs
bamV Fit a GAM model and get a gamViz object
check.gamViz Some diagnostics for a fitted gam model
check0D Checking GAM simulated residuals or responses
check1D Checking GAM residuals or responses along one covariate
check2D Checking GAM residuals along two covariates Getting the CDF of a gam family
gamm4V Fit a GAMM or GAMM4 model and get a gamViz object
gammV Fit a GAMM or GAMM4 model and get a gamViz object
gamV Fit a GAM model and get a gamViz object
getGam Convert gamViz object to gamObject
getViz Converting gam objects to gamViz objects
gridPrint Plotting plotSmooth objects on a grid
listLayers Lists available layers for plotSmooth objects
l_bound Add boundaries to smooth effect plot
l_ciBar Adding confidence intervals to barplots
l_ciLine Adding confidence intervals to effect plot
l_ciPoly Adding confidence band to effect plots
l_clusterLine Cluster and plot smooth effects
l_coordContour Adding coordinate lines
l_dens Adding density estimate heatmap
l_dens1D Adding density estimate to a plot
l_dens2D Adding density estimate heatmap
l_densCheck Checking residuals conditional density
l_fitBar Adding barplot to effect plots
l_fitContour Adding fitted effect contour lines
l_fitDens Adding density strip of fitted effect
l_fitLine Add fitted smooth effect curve
l_fitPoints Adding points representing the fitted effect
l_fitRaster Adding raster representing the fitted effect
l_glyphs2D Adding glyphs to 2D plots
l_gridCheck1D Binning and checking GAM residuals
l_gridCheck2D Binning and checking GAM residuals
l_gridQCheck1D Checking sign of residuals along one covariate
l_gridQCheck2D Binning and checking QGAM residuals
l_hist Adding histogram to a plot
l_points Add points to plot
l_poly Add polygons to effect plots
l_pvContour Adding contour of p-values
l_pvRaster Adding raster or heat-map of p-values
l_rug Adding rug to margins of a plot
l_simLine Add simulated smooth effect curves
l_vline Adding vertical line to a plot
mqgamV Fit multiple QGAM models and get a mgamViz object
plot.ALE1D Plot 1D Accumulated Local Effects (ALE)
plot.fs.interaction.1D Plotting one dimensional smooth factor interactions
plot.gamViz Basic GAM plotting
plot.mgamViz Plotting multiple quantile GAMs
plot.mgcv.smooth.1D Plotting one dimensional smooth effects
plot.mgcv.smooth.2D Plotting two dimensional smooth effects
plot.mgcv.smooth.MD Plotting slice of higher-dimensional smooth effects
plot.mrf.smooth Plotting Markov random field smooths
plot.multi.mgcv.smooth.1D Plotting one dimensional smooth effects
plot.multi.mgcv.smooth.2D Plotting two dimensional smooth effects
plot.multi.ptermFactor Plotting factor or logical parametric effects
plot.multi.ptermInteraction Plotting parametric interactions
plot.multi.ptermLogical Plotting factor or logical parametric effects
plot.multi.ptermNumeric Plotting numeric parametric effects
plot.multi.random.effect Plotting random effects
plot.ptermFactor Plotting factor or logical parametric effects
plot.ptermInteraction Plotting parametric interactions
plot.ptermLogical Plotting factor or logical parametric effects
plot.ptermMatrixNumeric Plotting numeric parametric effects
plot.ptermNumeric Plotting numeric parametric effects
plot.random.effect Plotting random effects
plot.sos.smooth Plotting smooths on the sphere
plotDiff Generic plotting of differences
plotDiff.mgcv.smooth.1D Plotting differences between two 1D smooth effects
plotDiff.mgcv.smooth.2D Plotting differences between two 2D smooth effects
plotDiff.sos.smooth Plotting differences between two smooths on the sphere
plotRGL Generic RGL plotting function
plotRGL.mgcv.smooth.2D Visualizing 2D smooth effects in 3D
plotRGL.mgcv.smooth.MD Visualizing a 2D slice of a smooth effects in 3D
plotSlice Plotting sequence of slices of 2D smooth effect
postSim Posterior simulation from a GAM object
print.checkGam Printing the output of check.gamViz
print.plotGam Printing the output of plot.gamViz
print.plotSmooth Printing plots of smooth effects
print.qqGam Printing the output of qq.gamViz
pterm Extracting parametric effects from a GAM model
qgamV Fit a QGAM model and get a gamViz object
qq Generic QQ plots
qq.gamViz QQ plots for gam model residuals
qqline Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqnorm Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqplot Quantile-Quantile Plots
qqplots Quantile-Quantile Plots
residuals.gamViz Generalized Additive Model residuals
shine Generic shine function
shine.qqGam Shiny QQ-plots for GAMs
simulate.gam Simulating responses from a GAM object
sm Extracting a smooth effect from a GAM model
zoom Generic zooming function
zoom.qqGam Efficiently zooming on GAM QQ-plots
zto1 Constructing a decreasing function from (0,1) to (0,1)