Comprehensive Research Synthesis Tools for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘metagear’ version 0.7

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metagear-package Research synthesis tools to facilitate systematic reviews, data extraction, and meta-analysis.
abstract_screener A GUI screener to quickly code candidate studies for inclusion/exclusion into a systematic review or meta-analysis.
browse_DOI Opens a web page associated with a DOI (digital object identifier).
chachi A small tribute to Chachi.
covariance_commonControl Generates a sampling variance-covariance matrix for modeling dependencies among effect sizes due to sharing a common control.
effort_distribute Assigns title/abstract screening efforts to a team.
effort_initialize Formats a reference dataset for title/abstract screening efforts.
effort_merge Merges multiple files that had title/abstract screening efforts distributed across a team.
effort_redistribute Redistributes title/abstract screening efforts among a review team.
effort_summary Provides a text summary of screening efforts among the reviewing team.
example_references_metagear A collection of bibliographic references
figure_add Manually add/detect points to a scatter plot figure.
figure_barPlot Detect and display all bar plot objects.
figure_detectAllPoints Automated detection of plotted points from a scatter-plot figure image.
figure_detectAxis Detect an axis from a figure image.
figure_display Displays an image plot.
figure_displayDetectedPoints Displays detected points on figure.
figure_displayDetections Displays the detected figure objects.
figure_extractDetectedPoints Extracts data points from a detected image.
figure_read Reads/loads a figure image from file.
figure_removeOutlyingPoints Remove outlier points from a figure.
figure_scatterPlot Detect and display all scatter plot objects.
figure_splitPlot Splits a composite figure that contains multiple plots.
figure_transformByColors Transforms RBG figure into list of binary images.
figure_transformToBinary Transforms figure to binary image.
figure_write Saves/writes a figure image.
impute_missingness Provides a summary of missingness in a dataset.
impute_SD Imputes missing standard deviations in a dataset.
isPDF Evaluates whether a file is a PDF document.
Kam_et_al_2003_Fig2.jpg An example image of a scatterplot figure
Kortum_and_Acymyan_2013_Fig4.jpg An example image of a bar plot figure
MA_effectsTable Generate an ANOVA-like effects table for a meta-analysis.
PDFs_collect Attempts to download PDFs from multiple DOI links.
PDF_download Attempts to download a PDF using a DOI link.
PDF_extractImages Attempts to extract all images from a PDF
plot_PRISMA Plots and creates a PRISMA flow diagram.
random_d Random generation of Hedges' d effect sizes.
random_missingness Random generation of missingness in a data frame.
random_N Random generation of sample sizes (N) for study outcomes.
random_OR Random generation of odds ratio (OR) effect sizes.
random_pairedN Random generation of paired sample sizes (N) for study outcomes.
random_r Random generation of correlation coefficients.
random_RR Random generation of log response ratio (RR) effect sizes.
replicate_MetaWin2.0 Replicate meta-analysis results and summaries from MetaWin 2.0.
replicate_phyloMeta1.3 Replicate phylogeneic meta-analysis results and summaries from phyloMeta 1.3.
scrape_bibliography Attempts to scrape/extract bibliographic data from Web of Science.