Meta-Analysis for Detecting Genotype x Environment Associations

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Documentation for package ‘metaGE’ version 1.0.3

Help Pages

autocor Computation of the autocorrelation
CheckContrast Check and reformat the matrix of contrast
CheckIncidence Check and reformat the matrix of incidence
ContrastStatTest Compute the statistic of the contrast test.
ContrastStatTest.NA Compute the statistic of the contrast test in presence of missing values
envDesc Description of the environments.
FastKerFdr FastKerFdr
GetH0Items GetH0Items
lindley Computation of the lindley process from scores.
LLikelihoodT_vect LLikelihoodT_vect
MakeQQplot Drawing a QQplot
metaData Results of different GWAS.
metaGE.collect Collect the results of GWAS data from different files
metaGE.cor Infer inter-environment correlation matrix Meta-analysis procedure: Fixed or Random effect.
metaGE.heatmap Draw the heatmap to see markers effects across environments.
metaGE.incidence Create the matrix of incidence.
metaGE.lscore Compute the local score from a set of pvalues.
metaGE.manhattan Draw the Manhattan plot.
metaGE.pvalplot Display visual checks of pvalues.
metaGE.regplot Plot the z-score of a marker according to a covariate.
metaGE.test Meta-analysis test for Genotype x Environment interactions: Contrast or Regression.
ReadData ReadData
RegressionStatTest Compute the pvalue of the meta-regression test.
RegressionStatTestNA Compute the pvalue of the regression test in presence of missing values.
sig_sl Computation of the significative regions
thresUnif Computation of the significance threshold