addvar | Utilities for multivariate nodes |
bernoulli | The Bernoulli Distribution |
betagen | The Generalised Beta Distribution |
BetaSubjective | The BetaSubjective Distribution |
converg | Graph of Running Statistics in the Variability or in the Uncertainty Dimension. |
cornode | Builds a Rank Correlation using the Iman and Conover Method. |
dbern | The Bernoulli Distribution |
dbetagen | The Generalised Beta Distribution |
dbetasubj | The BetaSubjective Distribution |
ddirichlet | The Dirichlet Distribution |
dempiricalC | The Continuous Empirical Distribution |
dempiricalD | The Discrete Empirical Distribution |
dimmc | Dimension of mcnode and mc Objects |
dimmcnode | Dimension of mcnode and mc Objects |
dirichlet | The Dirichlet Distribution |
dlnormb | The Log Normal Distribution parameterized through its mean and standard deviation. |
dmqi | Minimum Quantile Information Distribution |
dmultinomial | The Vectorized Multinomial Distribution |
dmultinormal | The Vectorized Multivariate Random Deviates |
dpert | The (Modified) PERT Distribution |
dtriang | The Triangular Distribution |
ec | An example on Escherichia coli in ground beef |
empiricalC | The Continuous Empirical Distribution |
empiricalD | The Discrete Empirical Distribution |
evalmccut | Evaluates a Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Model in a Loop. |
evalmcmod | Evaluates a Monte-Carlo model |
extractvar | Utilities for multivariate nodes |
gghist | Histogram of a Monte Carlo Simulation (ggplot version) |
gghist.mc | Histogram of a Monte Carlo Simulation (ggplot version) |
gghist.mcnode | Histogram of a Monte Carlo Simulation (ggplot version) |
ggplotmc | ggplotmc |
ggplotmc.mc | ggplotmc |
ggplotmc.mcnode | ggplotmc |
ggspaghetti | Spaghetti Plot of 'mc' or 'mcnode' Object |
ggspaghetti.mc | Spaghetti Plot of 'mc' or 'mcnode' Object |
ggspaghetti.mcnode | Spaghetti Plot of 'mc' or 'mcnode' Object |
ggtornado | Draws a Tornado chart as provided by tornado (ggplot version). |
ggtornadounc | Draws a Tornado chart as provided by tornado (ggplot version). |
hist.mc | Histogram of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
hist.mcnode | Histogram of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
is.finite.mcnode | Finite, Infinite, NA and NaN Numbers in mcnode. |
is.infinite.mcnode | Finite, Infinite, NA and NaN Numbers in mcnode. |
is.mc | Tests mc and mcnode Objects |
is.mcnode | Tests mc and mcnode Objects |
is.na.mcnode | Finite, Infinite, NA and NaN Numbers in mcnode. |
is.nan.mcnode | Finite, Infinite, NA and NaN Numbers in mcnode. |
lhs | Random Latin Hypercube Sampling |
Lognormalb | The Log Normal Distribution parameterized through its mean and standard deviation. |
mc | Monte Carlo Object |
mc.control | Sets or Gets the Default Number of Simulations. |
mcapply | Apply Functions Over mc or mcnode Objects |
mccut | Evaluates a Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Model in a Loop. |
mcdata | Build mcnode Objects from Data or other mcnode Objects |
mcdatanocontrol | Build mcnode Objects from Data or other mcnode Objects |
mcmodel | Monte Carlo model |
mcmodelcut | Evaluates a Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Model in a Loop. |
mcnode | Build mcnode Objects from Data or other mcnode Objects |
mcprobtree | Creates a Stochastic mcnode Object using a Probability Tree |
mcratio | Ratio of uncertainty and the variability |
mcstoc | Creates Stochastic mcnode Objects |
MinimumQuantileInformation | Minimum Quantile Information Distribution |
modEC1 | An example on Escherichia coli in ground beef |
modEC2 | An example on Escherichia coli in ground beef |
multinormal | The Vectorized Multivariate Random Deviates |
NA.mcnode | Finite, Infinite, NA and NaN Numbers in mcnode. |
ndunc | Sets or Gets the Default Number of Simulations. |
ndvar | Sets or Gets the Default Number of Simulations. |
Ops.mcnode | Operations on mcnode Objects |
outm | Output of Nodes |
pbern | The Bernoulli Distribution |
pbetagen | The Generalised Beta Distribution |
pbetasubj | The BetaSubjective Distribution |
pempiricalC | The Continuous Empirical Distribution |
pempiricalD | The Discrete Empirical Distribution |
pert | The (Modified) PERT Distribution |
plnormb | The Log Normal Distribution parameterized through its mean and standard deviation. |
plot.mc | Plots Results of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
plot.mccut | Plots Results of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
plot.mcnode | Plots Results of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
plot.plotmc | Plots Results of a Monte Carlo Simulation |
plot.tornado | Draws a Tornado chart. |
plot.tornadounc | Draws a Tornado chart. |
pmax | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmax.default | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmax.mcnode | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmin | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmin.default | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmin.mcnode | Maxima and Minima for mcnodes |
pmqi | Minimum Quantile Information Distribution |
ppert | The (Modified) PERT Distribution |
print.mc | Prints a mcnode or a mc Object |
print.mccut | Evaluates a Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Model in a Loop. |
print.mcnode | Prints a mcnode or a mc Object |
print.summary.mc | Summary of mcnode and mc Object |
print.tornado | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Variability Dimension; |
print.tornadounc | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Uncertainty Dimension |
ptriang | The Triangular Distribution |
qbern | The Bernoulli Distribution |
qbetagen | The Generalised Beta Distribution |
qbetasubj | The BetaSubjective Distribution |
qempiricalC | The Continuous Empirical Distribution |
qempiricalD | The Discrete Empirical Distribution |
qlnormb | The Log Normal Distribution parameterized through its mean and standard deviation. |
qmqi | Minimum Quantile Information Distribution |
qpert | The (Modified) PERT Distribution |
qtriang | The Triangular Distribution |
quantile.mc | Quantiles of a mc Object |
quantile.mcnode | Quantiles of a mc Object |
rbern | The Bernoulli Distribution |
rbetagen | The Generalised Beta Distribution |
rbetasubj | The BetaSubjective Distribution |
rdirichlet | The Dirichlet Distribution |
rempiricalC | The Continuous Empirical Distribution |
rempiricalD | The Discrete Empirical Distribution |
rlnormb | The Log Normal Distribution parameterized through its mean and standard deviation. |
rmqi | Minimum Quantile Information Distribution |
rmultinomial | The Vectorized Multinomial Distribution |
rmultinormal | The Vectorized Multivariate Random Deviates |
rpert | The (Modified) PERT Distribution |
rtriang | The Triangular Distribution |
rtrunc | Random Truncated Distributions |
spaghetti | Spaghetti Plot of mc/mcnode Object |
spaghetti.mc | Spaghetti Plot of mc/mcnode Object |
spaghetti.mcnode | Spaghetti Plot of mc/mcnode Object |
summary.mc | Summary of mcnode and mc Object |
summary.mccut | Summary of mcnode and mc Object |
summary.mcnode | Summary of mcnode and mc Object |
tornado | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Variability Dimension; |
tornadounc | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Uncertainty Dimension |
tornadounc.default | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Uncertainty Dimension |
tornadounc.mc | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Uncertainty Dimension |
tornadounc.mccut | Computes Correlation between Inputs and Output in a mc Object (tornado) in the Uncertainty Dimension |
total | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
triangular | The Triangular Distribution |
typemcnode | Provides the Type of a mcnode Object |
unmc | Unclasses the mc or the mcnode Object |
x0 | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
x0M | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xU | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xUM | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xV | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xVM | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xVU | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xVUM | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xVUM2 | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |
xVUM3 | An Example of all Kind of mcnode |