Kernel Local Polynomial Regression

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Documentation for package ‘locpol’ version 0.8.0

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adjNuK Kernel Constants used in Bandwidth Selection.
bivDens Bivariate Local estimation.
bivReg Bivariate Local estimation.
biweigK Kernels.
compDerEst Rule of thumb for bandwidth selection.
Compute kernel values Compute kernel values.
computeK4 Compute kernel values.
computeMu Compute kernel values.
computeMu0 Compute kernel values.
computeRK Compute kernel values.
confInterval Local Polynomial estimation.
CosK Kernels.
cteNuK Kernel Constants used in Bandwidth Selection.
denCVBwSelC CV bandwidth selector for density
dom Kernel characteristics
Epa2K Kernels.
EpaK Kernels.
epaK2d Bivariate Local estimation.
equivKernel Equivalent Kernel.
fitted.locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
gauK2d Bivariate Local estimation.
gaussK Kernels.
gaussKlf Kernels.
K4 Kernel characteristics
Kconvol Compute kernel values.
Kernel characteristics Kernel characteristics
Kernels Kernels.
locCteSmootherC Local Polynomial estimation.
locCteWeightsC Local Polynomial Weights
locCuadSmootherC Local Polynomial estimation.
locLinSmootherC Local Polynomial estimation.
locLinWeightsC Local Polynomial Weights
locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
locPolSmootherC Local Polynomial estimation.
locPolWeights Local Polynomial Weights
locWeightsEval Local Polynomial Weights
locWeightsEvalC Local Polynomial Weights
looLocPolSmootherC Local Polynomial estimation.
mayBeBwSel Bivariate Local estimation.
mu0K Kernel characteristics
mu2K Kernel characteristics
plot.bivNpEst Bivariate Local estimation.
plot.locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
plotBivNpEstOpts Bivariate Local estimation.
pluginBw Plugin Bandwidth selector.
PRDenEstC Parzen-Rosenblatt denstiy estimator.
predict.bivNpEst Bivariate Local estimation.
print.locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
QuartK Kernels.
RdK Kernel characteristics
regCVBwSelC Cross Validation Bandwidth selector.
residuals.locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
RK Kernel characteristics
selKernel Kernel selection.
simpleSmootherC Simple smoother
simpleSqSmootherC Simple smoother
SqK Kernels.
summary.locpol Local Polynomial estimation.
thumbBw Rule of thumb for bandwidth selection.
TrianK Kernels.
tricubK Kernels.
tricubKlf Kernels.
TriweigK Kernels.