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Documentation for package ‘kutils’ version 1.73

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all.equal.key An all.equal method for variable wide keys
all.equal.keylong An all.equal method for variable long keys
alphaOnly Keep only alpha-numeric symbols
anonomize Create unique anonymous id values
assignMissing Set missing values
assignRecode A variable is transformed in an indicated way
checkCoercion Check if values can be safely coerced without introduction of missing values
colnamesReplace Replace column names with new names from a named vector
deduper Removes redundant words from beginnings of character strings
deleteBogusColumns Remove columns in which the proportion of missing data exceeds a threshold.
deleteBogusRows Remove rows in which the proportion of missing data exceeds a threshold.
dev.create Create a graphics device
dir.create.unique Create a uniquely named directory. Appends number & optionally date to directory name.
dms Delete multiple slashes, replace with one
dts Delete trailing slash
escape Text that is to be included as content in documents is cleaned (escaped) to prevent errors
file.backup Create a backup version of a file by renaming it.
histOMatic Show variables, one at a time, QUICKLY and EASILY.
importQualtrics Import Qualtrics survey files, apply clean column names
initProject Create project directories, initialize a git repo, create ChangeLog, and R template file in R directory Check if a data frame is a simple collection of columns (no lists or matrices within)
isNA Check if values are R NA symbol or any one of the na.strings elements
keyApply Apply variable key to data frame (generate recoded data frame)
keyCheck Check a key for consistency of names, values with classes.
keyCrossRef keyCrossRef
keyDiagnostic Diagnose accuracy of result from applying variable key to data
keyDiff Show difference between 2 keys
keyImport Import/validate a key object or import/validate a key from a file.
keyLookup Look for old (or new) names in variable key
keyRead Read file after deducing file type from suffix.
keySave Save key as file after deducing type from suffix
keysPool Homogenize class values and create a long key by pooling variable keys.
keysPoolCheck Compares keys from different data sets; finds differences classes of variables. This used to check for similarity of keys from various data sets, one precursor to either combining the keys or merging the data sets themselves.
keyTemplate Create variable key template (in memory or in a file)
keyTemplateSPSS Import an SPSS file, create a key representing the numeric -> factor transition
keyTemplateStata Import a Stata (version 12 or lower) file, create a key representing the numeric -> factor transition
keyUpdate Update a key in light of a new data frame (add variables and values)
likert Percentage tables for Likert Scale variables
long2wide convert a key object from long to wide format
mergeCheck First draft of function to diagnose problems in merges and key variables
mgsub apply a vector of replacements, one after the other.
modifyVector Use new information to update a vector. Similar in concept to R's modify list
n2NA Convert nothing to R missing(NA).
natlongsurv Smoking, Happiness, and other survey responses
padW0 Insert 0's in the front of existing digits or characters so that all elements of a vector have the same number of characters.
peek Show variables, one at a time, QUICKLY and EASILY.
print.keycheck Print out the result of mergeCheck function.
print.keyDiff Print a keyDiff object
print.likert print method for likert tables
qualtricsBlockStack Create meta data frame to align identical questions
removeMatches Remove elements if they are in a target vector, possibly replacing with NA
reverse Reverse the levels in a factor
safeInteger If a numeric variable has only integer values, then make it an integer.
shorten Reduce each in a vector of strings to a given length
starsig How many stars would we need for this p value?
statdatKey keyFactors: private function that does work for keyTemplateSPSS and key template Stata
stringbreak Insert "\n" after the k'th character in a string. This IS vectorized, so can receive just one or many character strings in a vector.
truncsmart Cuts a string at a specified linewidth, trying to align cut with a separator
updatePackages Update packages, spot new dependencies, and install them
varlabTemplate Create Variable Label Template
wide2long Convert a key object from wide to long format
writeCSV Write CSV files with quotes same as MS Excel 2013 or newer
zapspace Convert leading or trailing white space and tab characters to nothing.