likert {kutils}R Documentation

Percentage tables for Likert Scale variables


Creates a table with columns for allowed values and rows for variables.


likert(data, vlist, columnlabels, valuelabels, rows = FALSE, digits = 2, ...)



A data frame. Function will try to include all variables in data, unless vlist is provided.


A vector of column names in data that should be displayed


Column labels, optional to beautify variable names. If not supplied, column names will be used as column labels. Provide either 1) A named vector that replaces one or more columns, c(oldname1 = "newlabel1", oldname2 = "newlabel2") where oldnames are in colnames(data), or 2) a vector of same length as vlist (or data if vlist is not supplied) that will replace them one for one.


A vector of values to beautify existing levels. If not supplied, factor levels will be used as row labels


Should output be transposed. This may help if there are many variables that need to fit on the page. Percentages will appear on the rows, rather than columns.


Number of decimals to display in percentages


Arguments to pass to R's table function. We suggest useNA = "always" to add missing value information and exclude = original.value.label to exclude values observed. Currently, useNA = "ifany" does not work as expected, the number of missings will be displayed, even if there are none.


A list, including a frequency table (called "freqTab"), column counts ("counts"), column sums ("sums"), and column percents ("pcts").


Paul Johnson <>


vvector <- c("Strongly Disagree", "Disagree", "Neutral",
              "Agree", "Strongly Agree")
N <- 28
scales <-
    data.frame(Vegas = factor(sample(1:5, N, replace = TRUE),
        levels = 1:5, labels = vvector),
               NewYork = factor(sample(1:5, N, replace = TRUE),
        levels = 1:5, labels = vvector),
               Paris = factor(sample(1:5, N, replace = TRUE),
        levels = 1:5, labels = vvector),
               Berlin = factor(sample(1:5, N, replace = TRUE),
        levels = 1:5, labels = vvector))


likert(scales, exclude = "Disagree")

likert(scales, exclude = "Strongly Disagree", useNA = "ifany")

(mySummary1 <- likert(data = scales, vlist = c("Vegas", "NewYork", "Paris")))

(mySummary2 <- likert(scales, vlist = c("Vegas", "NewYork", "Paris"),
                    valuelabels = c("SD", "D", "N", "A", "SA")))
(mySummary3 <- likert(scales, vlist = c("Vegas", "NewYork", "Paris"),
                    valuelabels = c("Strongly Disagree" = "Strong Disagreement")))

(mySummary5 <- likert(scales, vlist = c("Vegas", "NewYork", "Paris"),
      valuelabels = c("SD", "D", "N", "A", "SA"),
      columnlabels = c("Vegas" = "Sin City"), rows = TRUE))

 ## Example of how one might write this in a file. 
 ## print(xtable::xtable(mySummary1[[1]], digits = 1),
 ##       type = "html", file = "varCount-1.html")       

[Package kutils version 1.73 Index]