Multimodal Single-Cell Omics Dimensionality Reduction

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Documentation for package ‘jrSiCKLSNMF’ version 1.2.1

Help Pages

AddSickleJrMetadata Add metadata to an object of class SickleJr
BuildKNNGraphLaplacians Build KNN graphs and generate their graph Laplacians
BuildSNNGraphLaplacians Build SNN graphs and generate their graph Laplacians
CalculateUMAPSickleJr Calculate the UMAP for an object of class SickleJr
ClusterSickleJr Cluster the \mathbf{H} matrix
CreateSickleJr Create an object of class SickleJr
DetermineClusters Perform clustering diagnostics
DetermineDFromIRLBA Create elbow plots of the singular values derived from IRLBA to determine D for large datasets
GenerateWmatricesandHmatrix Initialize the \mathbf{W} matrices in each modality and the shared \mathbf{H} matrix
jrSiCKLSNMF Run jrSiCKLSNMF outside of a SickleJr object
MinibatchDiagnosticPlot Plot a diagnostic plot for the mini-batch algorithm
NormalizeCountMatrices Normalize the count matrices and set whether to use the Poisson KL divergence or the Frobenius norm
PlotLossvsLatentFactors Create plots to help determine the number of latent factors
PlotSickleJrUMAP Generate UMAP plots for an object of class SickleJr
RunjrSiCKLSNMF Run jrSiCKLSNMF on an object of class SickleJr
SetLambdasandRowReg Set lambda values and type of row regularization for an object of class SickleJr
SetWandHfromWHinitials Set \mathbf{W} matrices and \mathbf{H} matrix from pre-calculated values
SickleJr The SickleJr class
SickleJr-class The SickleJr class
SimData A simulated dataset for use with jrSiCKLSNMF
SimSickleJrSmall A small SickleJr object containing a subset of data from the SimData data object. Contains the completed analysis from the 'Getting Started' vignette for a small subset of 10 cells with 150 genes and 700 peaks. The clusters derived from this dataset are not accurate; this dataset is intended for use with code examples.