agg.region |
Aggregate Regions |
agg.sector |
Aggregate Sectors |
as.inputoutput |
Creating an Input-Output Object |
check.RS |
Do all regions have the same sectors? | |
Region and Sector Selection Interface |
export.coef |
Calculates the Matrix of Trade Coefficients | |
Calculates Total Exports for InputOutput Objects |
extraction |
Hypothetical Extraction |
f.influence |
Field of Influence | |
Field of Influence (Total) |
feedback.loop |
Feedback Loop Analysis |
feedback.loop.matrix |
Feedback Loop Analysis |
ghosh.inv |
Ghoshian Inverse | |
Heatmap Visualization | |
3D Histogram of Input-Output object |
import.coef |
Calculates the Matrix of Trade Coefficients | |
Calculates Total Exports for InputOutput Objects |
inverse.important |
Inverse.Important Coefficients |
ioanalysis |
ioanalysis |
key.sector |
Impact Analysis via Backward and Forward Linkages |
leontief.inv |
Leontief Inverse |
linkages |
Backward and Forward Linkages |
locate.mismatch |
Identify Sectors not in All Regions |
lq |
Simple Location Quotient Updating |
mpm |
Multiplier Product Matrix |
multipliers |
Multiplier Analysis |
output.decomposition |
Decomposition of Output Changes |
ras |
ras Updating Proejcting |
rsp |
Regional Supply Percentage Updating |
toy.ES |
An example dataset of class 'EasySelect' |
toy.FullIOTable |
An example data set to illustrate as.inputoutput |
toy.FullIOTable2 |
An example data set to illustrate as.inputoutput |
toy.IO |
An example dataset of class 'InputOutput' |
toy.IO2 |
An example dataset of class 'InputOutput' |
upstream |
Upstreamness - Average Distance from Final Use |
vs |
Vertical Specialization |