Improved Methods for Causal Inference and Missing Data Problems

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Documentation for package ‘iWeigReg’ version 1.1

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iWeigReg-package A R package for improved methods for causal inference and missing data problems
ate.clik Calibrated likelihood estimator for the causal-inference setup
ate.creg Calibrated regression estimator for the causal-inference setup
ate.HT Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the causal-inference setup
ate.lik Non-calibrated likelihood estimator for the causal-inference setup
ate.reg Non-calibrated regression estimator for the causal-inference setup
histw Weighted histogram
iWeigReg A R package for improved methods for causal inference and missing data problems A simulated dataset
loglik The non-calibrated objective function ("log-likelihood")
loglik.g The calibrated objective function ("log-likelihood")
mn.clik Calibrated likelihood estimator for the missing-data setup
mn.creg Calibrated regression estimator for the missing-data setup
mn.HT Horvitz-Thompson estimator for the missing-data setup
mn.lik Non-calibrated likelihood estimator for the missing-data setup
mn.reg Non-calibrated regression estimator for the missing-data setup
myinv Inverse of a matrix