House Price Indexes

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Documentation for package ‘hpiR’ version 0.3.2

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hpiR-package hpiR: A package for house price indexes
buildForecastIDs Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy
buildForecastIDs.heddata Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy (hed approach)
buildForecastIDs.rtdata Create the row IDs for forecast accuracy (rt approach)
calcAccuracy Calculate the accuracy of an index
calcForecastError Calculate the forecast accuracy of series of indexes
calcInSampleError Calculate index errors in sample
calcInSampleError.heddata Calculate index errors in sample (hed approach)
calcInSampleError.rtdata Calculate index errors in sample (rt approach)
calcKFoldError Calculate index error with FKold (out of sample)
calcRevision Calculate revision values of an index
calcSeriesAccuracy Calculate the accuracy of a series of indexes
calcSeriesVolatility Calculate volatility of a series of indexes
calcVolatility Calculate index volatility
checkDate Validate the date argument
createKFoldData Create data for KFold error test
createKFoldData.rtdata Create data for KFold error test (rt approach)
createSeries Create a series of indexes
dateToPeriod Convert dates to a relative period
ex_sales Subset of Seattle Home Sales
hedCreateTrans Create data for 'hed' approach
hedIndex Create a full index object by hedonic approach
hedModel Estimate hedonic model for index creation
hedModel.base Hedonic model approach with base estimator
hedModel.robust Hedonic model approach with robust estimator
hedModel.weighted Hedonic model approach with weighted estimator
hpiModel Wrapper to estimate model approaches (generic method)
hpiModel.hed Specific method for hpi modeling (hed) approach)
hpiModel.rf Specific method for hpi modeling (hed) approach)
hpiModel.rt Specific method for hpi modeling (rt approach)
hpiR hpiR: A package for house price indexes
matchKFold Helper function to make KFold data
matchKFold.heddata Helper function to make KFold data
matchKFold.rtdata Helper function to make KFold data
modelToIndex Convert model results into a house price index
plot.hpi Plot method for 'hpi' object
plot.hpiaccuracy Plot method for 'hpiaccuracy' object
plot.hpiindex Plot method for 'hpiindex' object
plot.indexvolatility Plot method for 'indexvolatility' object
plot.seriesaccuracy Plot method for 'seriesaccuracy' object
plot.serieshpi Plot method for 'serieshpi' object
plot.seriesrevision Plot method for 'seriesrevision' object
rfIndex Create a full index object by random forest approach
rfModel Estimate random forest model for index creation
rfModel.pdp Random forest model approach with pdp estimator
rfSimDf Create simulation data for Random forest approach
rtCreateTrans Create transaction data for rt approach
rtIndex Create a full index object by repeat transaction approach
rtModel Estimate repeat transaction model for index creation
rtModel.base Repeat transaction model approach with base estimator
rtModel.robust Repeat transaction model approach with robust estimator
rtModel.weighted Repeat transaction model approach with weighted estimator
rtTimeMatrix Create model matrix for repeat transaction approach
seattle_sales Seattle Home Sales
smoothIndex Smooth an index
smoothSeries Smooth all indexes in a series