"Hit and Run" and "Shake and Bake" for Sampling Uniformly from Convex Shapes

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Documentation for package ‘hitandrun’ version 0.5-6

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hitandrun-package "Hit and Run" sampling
bbReject Bounding box rejection sampler
createBoundBox Calculate a bounding box
createSeedPoint Generate a seed point
createTransform Create transformation matrices
eliminateRedundant Eliminate redundant linear constraints
exactRatioConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions
findExtremePoints Find extreme points
findFace Find the closest face (constraint) to an interior point of a polytope.
findInteriorPoint Find an interior point
findVertices Find vertices of the polytope
har "Hit and Run" sampler
har.init "Hit and Run" sampler
har.run "Hit and Run" sampler
harConstraints Constraint formulation utility functions
hitandrun "Hit and Run" sampler
hypersphere.sample Sample uniformly from an n-hypersphere
lowerBoundConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions
lowerRatioConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions
mergeConstraints Constraint formulation utility functions
ordinalConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions
sab "Shake and Bake" sampler
sab.init "Shake and Bake" sampler
sab.run "Shake and Bake" sampler
shakeandbake "Shake and Bake" sampler
simplex.createConstraints Create constraints that define the (n-1)-simplex
simplex.createTransform Transform points on an (n-1)-simplex to n-dimensional space
simplex.sample Sample uniformly from a simplex
simplexConstraints Constraint formulation utility functions
solution.basis Calculate the basis for the solution space of a system of linear equations
transformConstraints Apply a transformation to a set of linear constraints.
upperBoundConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions
upperRatioConstraint Constraint formulation utility functions