hitandrun {hitandrun}R Documentation

"Hit and Run" sampler


The "Hit and Run" method generates a Markov Chain whose stable state converges on the uniform distribution over a convex polytope defined by a set of linear inequality constraints. hitandrun further uses the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse to eliminate an arbitrary set of linear equality constraints before applying the "Hit and Run" sampler.

har.init and har.run together provide a re-entrant version of hitandrun so that the Markov chain can be continued if convergence is not satisfactory.


hitandrun(constr, n.samples=1E4,
    thin.fn = function(n) { ceiling(log(n + 1)/4 * n^3) }, thin = NULL,
    x0.randomize=FALSE, x0.method="slacklp", x0 = NULL, eliminate = TRUE)

    thin.fn = function(n) { ceiling(log(n + 1)/4 * n^3) }, thin = NULL,
    x0.randomize=FALSE, x0.method="slacklp", x0 = NULL, eliminate = TRUE)

har.run(state, n.samples)



Linear constraints that define the sampling space (see details)


The desired number of samples to return. The sampler is run for n.samples * thin iterations


Function that specifies a thinning factor depending on the dimension of the sampling space after equality constraints have been eliminated. Will only be invoked if thin is NULL


The thinning factor


Seed point for the Markov Chain. The seed point is specified in the original space, and transformed to the sampling space automatically.


Method to generate the seed point if x0 is unspecified, see createSeedPoint


Whether to generate a random seed point if x0 is unspecified


Whether to eliminate redundant constraints before constructing the transformation to the sampling space and (optionally) calculating the seed point.


A state object, as generated by har.init (see value)


The constraints are given as a list with the elements constr, dir and rhs. dir is a vector with values '=' or '<='. constr is a matrix and rhs a vector, which encode the standard linear programming constraint froms Ax=bAx = b and AxbAx \leq b (depending on dir). The lengths of rhs and dir must match the number of rows of constr.

hitandrun applies solution.basis to generate a basis of the (translated) solution space of the linear constraints (if any). An affine transformation is generated using createTransform and applied to the constraints. Then, a seed point satisfying the inequality constraints is generated using createSeedPoint. Finally, har is used to generate the samples.


For hitandrun, a matrix containing the generated samples as rows.

For har.init, a state object, containing:


The basis for the sampling space. See solution.basis.


The sampling space transformation. See createTransform.


The linear inequality constraints translated to the sampling space. See transformConstraints.


The generated seed point. See createSeedPoint.


The thinning factor to be used.

For har.run, a list containing:


A matrix containing the generated samples as rows.


A state object that can be used to continue sampling from the Markov chain (i.e. x0 has been modified).


"Hit and Run" is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, so generated samples form a correlated time series. To get a uniform sample, you need O(n3)O^*(n^3) samples, where n is the dimension of the sampling space.


Gert van Valkenhoef

See Also

harConstraints har


# Sample from the 3-simplex with the additional constraint that w_1/w_2 = 2
# Three inequality constraints, two equality constraints
constr <- mergeConstraints(simplexConstraints(3), exactRatioConstraint(3, 1, 2, 2))
samples <- hitandrun(constr, n.samples=1000)
stopifnot(dim(samples) == c(1000, 3))
stopifnot(all.equal(apply(samples, 1, sum), rep(1, 1000)))
stopifnot(all.equal(samples[,1]/samples[,2], rep(2, 1000)))

# Sample from the unit rectangle (no equality constraints)
constr <- list(
  constr = rbind(c(1,0), c(0,1), c(-1,0), c(0,-1)),
  dir=rep('<=', 4),
  rhs=c(1, 1, 0, 0))
state <- har.init(constr)
result <- har.run(state, n.samples=1000)
samples <- result$samples
stopifnot(all(samples >= 0 & samples <= 1))
# Continue sampling from the same chain:
result <- har.run(result$state, n.samples=1000)
samples <- rbind(samples, result$samples)

[Package hitandrun version 0.5-6 Index]