Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data

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Documentation for package ‘heritability’ version 1.4

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heritability-package Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data.
BT_LW_H Bolting time and leaf width for the Arabidopsis hapmap population.
floweringTime Flowering time data taken from Atwell _et al._ (2010).
heritability Marker-Based Estimation of Heritability Using Individual Plant or Plot Data.
K_atwell Marker-based relatedness matrices for 3 populations of Arabidopsis thaliana.
K_hapmap Marker-based relatedness matrices for 3 populations of Arabidopsis thaliana.
K_swedish Marker-based relatedness matrices for 3 populations of Arabidopsis thaliana.
LA_H _Arabidopsis_ leaf area data for the hapmap and Swedish regmap population.
LA_S _Arabidopsis_ leaf area data for the hapmap and Swedish regmap population.
LD Flowering time data taken from Atwell _et al._ (2010).
LDV Flowering time data taken from Atwell _et al._ (2010).
leafArea _Arabidopsis_ leaf area data for the hapmap and Swedish regmap population.
marker_h2 Compute a marker-based estimate of heritability, given phenotypic observations at individual plant or plot level.
marker_h2_means Compute a marker-based estimate of heritability, given genotypic means.
means_floweringTime Flowering time from Atwell _et al._ (2010): accession means.
means_LD Flowering time from Atwell _et al._ (2010): accession means.
means_LDV Flowering time from Atwell _et al._ (2010): accession means.
repeatability ANOVA-based estimates of repeatability
R_matrix Covariance matrix of the accession means for flowering time.
R_matrix_LD Covariance matrix of the accession means for flowering time.
R_matrix_LDV Covariance matrix of the accession means for flowering time.