repeatability {heritability}R Documentation

ANOVA-based estimates of repeatability


Given a population where each genotype is phenotyped for a number of genetically identical replicates (either individual plants or plots in a field trial), the repeatability or intra-class correlation can be estimated by Vg/(Vg+Ve)V_g / (V_g + V_e), where Vg=(MS(G)MS(E))/rV_g = (MS(G) - MS(E)) / r and Ve=MS(E)V_e = MS(E). In these expressions, rr is the number of replicates per genotype, and MS(G)MS(G) and MS(E)MS(E) are the mean sums of squares for genotype and residual error obtained from analysis of variance. In case MS(G)<MS(E)MS(G) < MS(E), VgV_g is set to zero. See Singh et al. (1993) or Lynch and Walsh (1998), p.563. When the genotypes have differing numbers of replicates, rr is replaced by rˉ=(n1)1(R1R2/R1)\bar r = (n-1)^{-1} (R_1 - R_2 / R_1), where R1=riR_1 = \sum r_i and R2=ri2R_2 = \sum r_i^2. Under the assumption that all differences between genotypes are genetic, repeatability equals broad-sense heritability; otherwise it only provides an upper-bound for broad-sense heritability.


repeatability(data.vector, geno.vector, line.repeatability = FALSE,
              covariates.frame = data.frame())



A vector of phenotypic observations. Needs to be of type numeric. May contain missing values.


A vector of genotype labels, either a factor or character. This vector should correspond to data.vector, and hence needs to be of the same length.


If TRUE, the line-repeatability or line-heritability σG2/(σG2+σE2/r)\sigma_G^2 / (\sigma_G^2 + \sigma_E^2 / r) is estimated, otherwise (the default) the repeatability at plot- or plant level, which is σG2/(σG2+σE2)\sigma_G^2 / (\sigma_G^2 + \sigma_E^2).


A data-frame with additional covariates, the rows corresponding to geno.vector and the phenotypic observations in data.vector. May contain missing values. Each column can be numeric or a factors.


A list with the following components:


Willem Kruijer



repeatability(data.vector=rep(rnorm(26),each=5) + rnorm(5*26),

[Package heritability version 1.4 Index]