Estimation of Hawkes Processes from Binned Observations

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Documentation for package ‘hawkesbow’ version 1.0.3

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compensator Compensator of a Hawkes process
discrete Discretizes a Hawkes simulation
dpowerlaw The power law distribution
E1_imaginary Exponential integral of imaginary argument
Etheta_imaginary Incomplete gamma function of imaginary argument with arbitrary power
Exponential Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
Gaussian Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
hawkes Simulation of a Hawkes process
hawkes_ogata Simulation of a Hawkes process
inc_gamma_imag Incomplete gamma function of imaginary argument
inhpois Simulation of an inhomogeneous Poisson process by thinning
intensity Intensity of a Hawkes process
mle Fitting Hawkes processes from continuous data
Model C++ abstract class for Hawkes processes
Pareto1 Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
Pareto2 Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
Pareto3 Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
plot.hawkes Plot of a Hawkes process
plot.hawkes_ogata Plot of a simulated Hawkes process
plot.inhpois Plot of a simulated inhomogeneous Poisson process
PowerLaw Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
ppowerlaw The power law distribution
qpowerlaw The power law distribution
residuals Residuals of a Hawkes process
rpowerlaw The power law distribution
SymmetricExponential Reproduction kernels for the Hawkes processes
whittle Fitting Hawkes processes from discrete data