A Collection of Graphon Estimation Methods

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Documentation for package ‘graphon’ version 0.3.5

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graphon-package graphon : A Collection of Graphon Estimation Methods
cv.SBA Cross validation for selecting optimal precision parameter in SBA method.
est.completion Estimate graphons based on matrix completion scheme
est.LG Estimate graphons based on empirical degrees
est.nbdsmooth Estimate edge probabilities by neighborhood smoothing
est.SBA Estimate graphons based on Stochastic Blockmodel approximation
est.USVT Estimate graphons based via Universal Singular Value Thresholding
gmodel.block Generate binary random graphs based on stochastic blockmodel
gmodel.ER Observations from Erdos-Renyi random graph model
gmodel.P Generate graphs given a probability matrix
gmodel.preset Generate one of pre-specified graphons.