Hierarchical Graph Clustering for a Collection of Networks

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Documentation for package ‘graphclust’ version 1.3

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ARI Adjusted Rand index
degreeSort Sort stochastic block model parameter in a unique way using its graphon
fitSBMcollection Fit a unique stochastic block model to a collection of networks
fitSimpleSBM Fit a stochastic block model to every network in a collection of networks.
graphClustering Hierarchical graph clustering algorithm
graphMomentsClustering Graph clustering method using graph moments
graphonL2norm (squared) L2-norm of the graphons associated with two stochastic block model parameters
graphonSpectralClustering Graph clustering using the pairwise graphon distances and spectral clustering
metagraph Plot the metagraph of the parameter of the stochastic block model associated with one of the estimated graph clusters
moments Computation of graph moments of a network
permutParam Permute block labels of a stochastic block model parameter
plotDendrogram Plot dendrogram to visualize the clustering obtained by the hierarchical clustering algorithm
rCollectSBM Simulate a sample of networks of a stochastic block model
rMixSBM Simulate a collection of networks of a mixture of stochastic block models
rsbm Simulate a network of a stochastic block model
sampleDPA generation of a network of the directed preferential attachment (DPA) model
sampleDPAMixture Generation of a mixture of directed preferential attachment (DPA) models
sbmNorm (squared) norm between two stochastic block models