sampleDPAMixture {graphclust}R Documentation

Generation of a mixture of directed preferential attachment (DPA) models


Generation of a mixture of directed preferential attachment (DPA) models


sampleDPAMixture(M, param)



number of desired networks


list of list of parameters of the DPA models. Each element of param is a list with the following elements: $prop (weight of the mixture component), $R (= number of iterations), $alpha, $beta , $deltaIn, $deltaOut (parameters of the DPA model)


list of 2 lists : the first ($listAdj) is a list of M adjacency matrices, the second a list ($graphGroups) contains the true cluster labels


param <- vector('list', 3)
param[[1]] <- list(prop = 1/3, # component 1 :  alpha > beta
                   alpha = .04,
                   beta = .02,
                   deltaIn = 100,
                   deltaOut = 100,
                   R = 500
param[[2]] <- list(prop = 1/3, # component 2 : just permute alpha and beta ;
                   alpha = .01,
                   beta = .02,
                   deltaIn = 100,
                   deltaOut = .1,
                   R = 1000
param[[3]] <- list(prop = 1/3, # component 3 : alpha=beta
                   alpha = .015,
                   beta = .015,
                   deltaIn = .1,
                   deltaOut = .1,
                   R = 1000
obs <- sampleDPAMixture(M=20, param)

[Package graphclust version 1.3 Index]