givitiR-package |
givitiR: assessing the calibration of binary outcome models with the GiViTI calibration belt. |
calibrationBeltIntersections |
Calibration Belt Significant Deviations |
calibrationBeltPoints |
Calibration Belt Confidence Region |
givitiCalibrationBelt |
Calibration Belt |
givitiCalibrationBeltTable |
Table of the Calibration Belt Significant Deviations |
givitiCalibrationTest |
Calibration Test |
givitiCalibrationTestComp |
Computation of the Calibration Test |
givitiCheckArgs |
Check of the argument's values |
givitiCheckData |
Check of data |
givitiR |
givitiR: assessing the calibration of binary outcome models with the GiViTI calibration belt. |
givitiStatCdf |
CDF of the Calibration Statistic Under the Null Hypothesis |
icuData |
Information of SAPS II score and outcome of 1,000 ICU patients. |
logistic |
Logit and logistic functions |
logit |
Logit and logistic functions |
plot.givitiCalibrationBelt |
Calibration Belt Plot |
polynomialLogRegrFw |
Forward Selection in Polynomial Logistic Regression |