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Information of SAPS II score and outcome of 1,000 ICU patients.
A dataset containing clinical information of 1,000 patients admitted to Italian Intesive Care Units joining the GiViTI network (Gruppo Italiano per la valutazione degli interventi in Terapia Intensiva, Italian Group for the Evaluation of the Interventions in Intensive Care Units). The data has been collected within the ProSAFE project, an Italian observational study based on a continuous data collection of clinical data in more than 200 Italian ICUs. The purpose of the project is a continuous surveillance of the quality of care provided in the participating centres. The actual values of the variables have been modified to protect subject confidentiality.
A data frame with 1000 rows and 33 variables. The dataset contains, for each predictor of the SAPSII score, both the clinical information and the weight of that variable in the score (the variable with the suffix '_NUM').
- outcome
hospital outcome, numeric binary variable with values 1 (deceased) and 0 (alive).
- probSaps
probability estimated by the SAPSII prognostic model.
- sapsScore
SAPSII score.
- age,age_NUM
age, factor variable with levels (in years): '<40', '40-59', '60-69', '70-74', '75-80', '>=80'.
- adm,adm_NUM
type of admission, factor variable with 3 levels: 'unschSurg' (unscheduled surgery), 'med' (medical), 'schSurg' (scheduled surgery).
- chronic,chronic_NUM
chronic diseases, factor variable with 4 levels: 'noChronDis' (no chronic disease), 'metCarc' (metastatic carcinoma), 'hemMalig' (hematologic malignancy), 'aids' (AIDS).
- gcs,gcs_NUM
Glasgow Coma Scale, factor variable with 5 levels: '3-5', '6-8', '9-10', '11-13', '14-15'.
systolic blood pressure, factor variable with 4 levels (in mmHg): '<70', '70-99', '100-199', '>=200'.
heart rate, factor variable with 5 levels: '<40', '40-69', '70-119', '120-159', '>=160'
- temp,temp_NUM
temperature, factor variable with 2 levels (in Celsius degree): '<39', '>=39'.
- urine,urine_NUM
urine output, factor variable with 3 levels (in L/24h): '<0.5', '0.5-0.99', '>=1'.
- urea,urea_NUM
serum urea, factor variable with 3 levels (in g/L): '<0.60', '0.60-1.79', '>=1.80'.
wbc, factor variable with 3 levels (in 1/mm3): '<1', '1-19', '>=20'.
- potassium,potassium_NUM
potassium, factor variable with 3 levels (in mEq/L): '<3', '3-4.9', '>=5'.
- sodium,sodium_NUM
sodium, factor variable with 3 levels (in mEq/L): '<125', '125-144', '>=145'.
HCO3, factor variable with 3 levels (in mEq/L): '<15', '15-19', '>=20'.
- bili,bili_NUM
bilirubin, factor variable with 3 levels (in mg/dL): '<4', '4-5.9', '>=6'.
- paFiIfVent,paFiIfVent_NUM
mechanical ventilation and CPAP PaO2/FIO2, factor variable with 4 levels (PaO2/FIO2 in mmHg): 'noVent' (not ventilated), 'vent_<100' (ventialated and Pa02/FI02 <100), 'vent_100-199' (ventialated and Pa02/FI02 in 100-199), 'vent_>=200' (ventialated and Pa02/FI02 >= 200).
The data contain the information to apply the SAPSII model, a prognostic model developed to predict hospital mortality (Le Gall et al., 1993). Both the computed SAPSII score and the associated probability of death are variables of the dataset. The score is an integer number ranging from 0 to 163 describing the severity of the patient (the higher the score, the more severe the patient). The probability is computed from the score through the formula reported in the original paper. The dataset contains also the hospital survival of the patients.
Source (in Italian only)
Le Gall, Jean-Roger, Stanley Lemeshow, and Fabienne Saulnier. "A new simplified acute physiology score (SAPS II) based on a European/North American multicenter study." Jama 270, no. 24 (1993): 2957-2963.
The GiViTI Network, Prosafe Project - 2014 report. Sestante Edizioni: Bergamo, 2015.