calibrationBeltIntersections {givitiR}R Documentation

Calibration Belt Significant Deviations


calibrationBeltIntersections returns the intervals where the calibration belt significantly deviates from the bisector.


calibrationBeltIntersections(cbBound, seqP, minMax)



A data.frame object with the numeric variables "U" and "L", representing the upper and lower boundary of the calibration belt.


The vector of the the probabilities where the points of the calibration belt have been evaluated.


A list with two elements, named min and max, representing the minimum and maximum probabilities in the model under evaluation.


A list with two components, overBisector and underBisector. Each component is a list containing all the intervals where the calibration belt is significantly over/under the bisector.

See Also

givitiCalibrationBelt and plot.givitiCalibrationBelt to compute and plot the calibaration belt, and givitiCalibrationTest to perform the associated calibration test.


e <- runif(1000)
logite <- logit(e)
eMod <- logistic(logit(e) +  (logit(e))^2)
o <- rbinom(1000, size = 1, prob = eMod)
data <- data.frame(e = e, o = o, logite = logite)

seqP <- seq(from = .01, to =.99, by = .01)
seqG <- logit(seqP)

minMax <- list(min = min(e), max = max(e))

fwLR <- polynomialLogRegrFw(data, .95, 4, 1)
cbBound <- calibrationBeltPoints(data, seqG, fwLR$m, fwLR$fit, .95, .90, "external")
calibrationBeltIntersections(cbBound, seqP, minMax)

[Package givitiR version 1.3 Index]