Make 'PICRUSt2' Output Analysis and Visualization Easier

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Documentation for package ‘ggpicrust2’ version 1.7.3

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compare_daa_results Compare the Consistency of Statistically Significant Features
compare_metagenome_results Compare Metagenome Results
daa_annotated_results_df Differentially Abundant Analysis Results with Annotation
daa_results_df DAA Results Dataset
ggpicrust2 This function integrates pathway name/description annotations, ten of the most advanced differential abundance (DA) methods, and visualization of DA results.
import_MicrobiomeAnalyst_daa_results Import Differential Abundance Analysis (DAA) results from MicrobiomeAnalyst
kegg_abundance KEGG Abundance Dataset
ko2kegg_abundance Convert KO abundance in picrust2 export files to KEGG pathway abundance
ko_abundance KO Abundance Dataset
metacyc_abundance MetaCyc Abundance Dataset
metadata Metadata for ggpicrust2 Demonstration
pathway_annotation Pathway information annotation of "EC", "KO", "MetaCyc" pathway
pathway_daa Predictional functional patwhay differential abundance (DA)
pathway_errorbar The function pathway_errorbar() is used to visualize the results of functional pathway differential abundance analysis as error bar plots.
pathway_heatmap Create pathway heatmap
pathway_pca Perform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on functional pathway abundance data and create visualizations of the PCA results.