'ggplot2' Based Tool to Facilitate Diagnostic Plots for NLME Models

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Documentation for package ‘ggPMX’ version 1.2.11

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A C D E G I L N P R S T W misc

-- A --

abbrev Give the whole abbreviation definition
add_draft Add draft layer annotation

-- C --

check_shrink Performs checks of names in shrink list

-- D --

distrib creates a graphic distribution object
dummy Eta Covariates plots

-- E --

eta_cov This creates an ETA covariance matrix which can be used to define the co-relation between the parameters and its shrinkage..
eta_cov_plot Eta Covariates plots
eta_distribution_plot Eta distribution plots
eta_pairs This creates an eta correlation which defines the relationship between parameters
eval_sym_parent_env Try to evaluate a symbol in the parent frame (on errorr eturn the symbol)

-- G --

getPmxOption Get ggPMX Option
get_abbrev Get abbreviation definition by key
get_cats Get category covariates
get_conts Get continuous covariates
get_covariates Get covariates variables
get_data Get controller data set
get_occ Get controller occasional covariates
get_plot Get plot object
get_plot_config Get the plot config by name
get_strats Get extra stratification variables
gtable_remove_grobs Remove named elements from gtable

-- I --

individual This function can be used to obtain individual prediction and compare with observed data and population prediction for each individual separately
input_finegrid Merge input and fingrid data sets
is.pmx_gpar Check if an object is a pmx_gpar class

-- L --

load_config Obtain the data source config
load_data_set Load data set
load_source Load all/or some source data set
l_left_join Merge 2 lists

-- N --

n_pages Determine the number of pages in a paginated facet plot

-- P --

param_table Creates parameter kable
parse_mlxtran Parse MONOLIX mlxtran file
pk_occ Creates pmx controller using monlix data having Occasional variable
pk_pd Creates pkpd pmx controller using package internal data
plots Get plots description
plot_names Get plot names
plot_pmx This is a generic plot method that produces all plots by default described in pmx model evaluation guidance.
plot_pmx.distrib Plot EBE distribution
plot_pmx.eta_cov This plots an ETA covariance matrix which can be used to define the co-relation between the parameters and its shrinkage
plot_pmx.eta_pairs Plot random effect correlation plot
plot_pmx.individual This function can be used to plot individual prediction and compare with observed data and population prediction for each individual separately
plot_pmx.pmx_dens This function plots EBE versus covariates using qq plots
plot_pmx.pmx_gpar The ggPMX base plot function
plot_pmx.pmx_qq This function plot EBE versus covariates using qq plots
plot_pmx.pmx_vpc This is a generic plot method that produces all plots by default described in pmx model evaluation guidance.
plot_pmx.residual This function plots residual for each observed value by finding the difference between observed and predicted points. It also fits a distribution to the residual value.
plot_shrink Plot shrink in eta matric
pmx Create a pmx object
pmxOptions This function can be used to set ggPMX options
pmx_bloq Creates BLOQ object attributes
pmx_comp_shrink Compute Shrinkage
pmx_config This function can be used to define the pmx configuration used in plots. e.g. Monolix/Nonmem
pmx_copy Creates a deep copy of the controller
pmx_cov Select/Map covariates using human labels
pmx_dens Creates a density plot object
pmx_endpoint Creates pmx endpoint object
pmx_filter filter data in a pmx controller
pmx_get_configs Get List of built-in configurations
pmx_gpar Handling pmx Graphical parameters
pmx_list_nm_tables List NONMEM output tables
pmx_manual_nm_import Manually define nonmem tables to be imported
pmx_mlx Create a pmx object
pmx_mlxtran Create a pmx object
pmx_nlmixr Creates pmx controller from an nlimxr fit object
pmx_nm Creates pmx controller from NONMEM model outputs
pmx_plot Generic pmx plot
pmx_plot_abs_iwres_ipred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_abs_iwres_time Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_cats Generic pmx stratified plot
pmx_plot_cwres_cpred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_cwres_pred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_cwres_qq Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_plot_cwres_time Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_dv_ipred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_dv_pred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_eta_box Eta distribution plots
pmx_plot_eta_cats Eta Covariates plots
pmx_plot_eta_conts Eta Covariates plots
pmx_plot_eta_hist Eta distribution plots
pmx_plot_eta_matrix Eta matrix plot
pmx_plot_eta_qq Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_plot_individual Individual plot
pmx_plot_iwres_dens IWRES density plot
pmx_plot_iwres_ipred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_iwres_qq Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_plot_iwres_time Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_npde_pred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_npde_qq Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_plot_npde_time Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_npd_epred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_npd_pred Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_npd_qq Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_plot_npd_time Scatter residual plots
pmx_plot_vpc VPC plot
pmx_qq This function creates a qq plot object
pmx_qq_plot Quantile-quantile plots
pmx_read_nm_files NONMEM output file import function
pmx_read_nm_model NONMEM model file parser
pmx_read_nm_tables NONMEM output table import function
pmx_register_plot Register plot
pmx_report Generates ggpmX report from a pre-defined template
pmx_report_template Gets build-in report templates
pmx_settings Create controller global settings
pmx_shrink Create shrinkage parameter object
pmx_sim Create simulation object
pmx_theme Define ggPMX theme
pmx_update Update plot object
pmx_vpc Creates vpc object
pmx_vpc_bin Creates vpc bins
pmx_vpc_ci Sets vpc confidence interval layer
pmx_vpc_obs Sets vpc observation layer
pmx_vpc_pi Sets vpc percentile layer
pmx_vpc_rug Sets vpc rug layer
print.abbreviation S3 print abbreviation
print.configs This function can be used to print configuration of the defined object using S3 method.
print.pmxClass Print pmxClass object
print.pmxConfig S3 method print pmxConfig object
print.pmx_gpar Print pmx_gpar object

-- R --

read_extfile Reads .ext files generated by NONMEM
read_input Read Modelling input data
read_mlx_ind_est Read MONOLIX individual parameters
read_mlx_par_est Read MONOLIX parameter estimation file
read_mlx_pred Read MONOLIX model predictions
residual This function create a residual for each observed value and also generates a residual distribution
residual_scatter Scatter residual plots

-- S --

set_abbrev update or add a new abbreviation
set_data Set a controller data set
set_plot Create a new plot of the desired type

-- T --

theophylline Creates pmx controller using theophylline data

-- W --

wrap_formula merge facets formula with new formula

-- misc --

[.pmx_gpar Method for subsetting "pmx_gpar" objects