gensvm-package |
GenSVM: A Generalized Multiclass Support Vector Machine |
coef.gensvm |
Get the coefficients of the fitted GenSVM model |
coef.gensvm.grid |
Get the parameter grid from a GenSVM Grid object |
fitted.gensvm |
Show fitted labels for the GenSVM model |
fitted.gensvm.grid |
Fitted labels for the GenSVMGrid class |
gensvm |
Fit the GenSVM model |
gensvm.accuracy |
Compute the accuracy score | |
Generate a vector of cross-validation indices |
gensvm.grid |
Cross-validated grid search for GenSVM |
gensvm.load.full.grid |
Load a large parameter grid for the GenSVM grid search |
gensvm.load.small.grid |
Load the small parameter grid for the GenSVM grid search |
gensvm.load.tiny.grid |
Load a tiny parameter grid for the GenSVM grid search |
gensvm.maxabs.scale |
Scale each column of a matrix by its maximum absolute value |
gensvm.package |
GenSVM: A Generalized Multiclass Support Vector Machine |
gensvm.rank.score |
Compute the ranks for the numbers in a given vector |
gensvm.refit |
Train an already fitted model on new data |
gensvm.train.test.split |
Create a train/test split of a dataset |
plot.gensvm |
Plot the simplex space of the fitted GenSVM model |
plot.gensvm.grid |
Plot the simplex space of the best fitted model in the GenSVMGrid |
predict.gensvm |
Predict class labels with the GenSVM model |
predict.gensvm.grid |
Predict class labels from the GenSVMGrid class |
print.gensvm |
Print the fitted GenSVM model |
print.gensvm.grid |
Print the fitted GenSVMGrid model |