gensvm.grid {gensvm}R Documentation

Cross-validated grid search for GenSVM


This function performs a cross-validated grid search of the model parameters to find the best hyperparameter configuration for a given dataset. This function takes advantage of GenSVM's ability to use warm starts to speed up computation. The function uses the GenSVM C library for speed.


  param.grid = "tiny",
  refit = TRUE,
  scoring = NULL,
  cv = 3,
  verbose = 0,
  return.train.score = TRUE



training data matrix. We denote the size of this matrix by n_samples x n_features.


training vector of class labels of length n_samples. The number of unique labels in this vector is denoted by n_classes.


String ('tiny', 'small', or 'full') or data frame with parameter configurations to evaluate. Typically this is the output of expand.grid. For more details, see "Using a Parameter Grid" below.


boolean variable. If true, the best model from cross validation is fitted again on the entire dataset.


metric to use to evaluate the classifier performance during cross validation. The metric should be an R function that takes two arguments: y_true and y_pred and that returns a float such that higher values are better. If it is NULL, the accuracy score will be used.


the number of cross-validation folds to use or a vector with the same length as y where each unique value denotes a test split.


integer to indicate the level of verbosity (higher is more verbose)


whether or not to return the scores on the training splits


A "gensvm.grid" S3 object with the following items:


Call that produced this object


Sorted version of the parameter grid used in training


A data frame with the cross validation results


If refit=TRUE, this is the GenSVM model fitted with the best hyperparameter configuration, otherwise it is NULL


Mean cross-validated test score for the model with the best hyperparameter configuration


Parameter configuration that provided the highest mean cross-validated test score


Row index of the cv.results data frame that corresponds to the best hyperparameter configuration


The number of cross-validation splits


The number of instances in the data


The number of features of the data


The number of classes in the data


Array with the unique classes in the data


Training time for the grid search


Array with cross validation indices used to split the data

Using a Parameter Grid

To evaluate certain parameter configurations, a data frame can be supplied to the param.grid argument of the function. Such a data frame can easily be generated using the R function expand.grid, or could be created through other ways to test specific parameter configurations.

Three parameter grids are predefined:


This parameter grid is generated by the function gensvm.load.tiny.grid and is the default parameter grid. It consists of parameter configurations that are likely to perform well on various datasets.


This grid is generated by gensvm.load.small.grid and generates a data frame with 90 configurations. It is typically fast to train but contains some configurations that are unlikely to perform well. It is included for educational purposes.


This grid loads the parameter grid as used in the GenSVM paper. It consists of 342 configurations and is generated by the gensvm.load.full.grid function. Note that in the GenSVM paper cross validation was done with this parameter grid, but the final training step used epsilon=1e-8. The gensvm.refit function is useful in this scenario.

When you provide your own parameter grid, beware that only certain column names are allowed in the data frame corresponding to parameters for the GenSVM model. These names are:


Parameter for the lp norm. Must be in [1.0, 2.0].


Parameter for the Huber hinge function. Must be larger than -1.


Parameter for the regularization term. Must be larger than 0.


Instance weights specification. Allowed values are "unit" for unit weights and "group" for group-size correction weights


Stopping parameter for the algorithm. Must be larger than 0.


Maximum number of iterations of the algorithm. Must be larger than 0.


The kernel to used, allowed values are "linear", "poly", "rbf", and "sigmoid". The default is "linear"


Parameter for the "poly" and "sigmoid" kernels. See the section "Kernels in GenSVM" in the codeinkgensvm-package page for more info.


Parameter for the "poly" kernel. See the section "Kernels in GenSVM" in the codeinkgensvm-package page for more info.


Parameter for the "poly", "rbf", and "sigmoid" kernels. See the section "Kernels in GenSVM" in the codeinkgensvm-package page for more info.

For variables that are not present in the param.grid data frame the default parameter values in the gensvm function will be used.

Note that this function reorders the parameter grid to make the warm starts as efficient as possible, which is why the param.grid in the result will not be the same as the param.grid in the input.


1. This function returns partial results when the computation is interrupted by the user. 2. The score.time reported in the results only covers the time needed to compute the score from the predictions and true class labels. It does not include the time to compute the predictions themselves.


Gerrit J.J. van den Burg, Patrick J.F. Groenen
Maintainer: Gerrit J.J. van den Burg <>


Van den Burg, G.J.J. and Groenen, P.J.F. (2016). GenSVM: A Generalized Multiclass Support Vector Machine, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(225):1–42. URL

See Also

predict.gensvm.grid, print.gensvm.grid, plot.gensvm.grid, gensvm, gensvm-package


x <- iris[, -5]
y <- iris[, 5]

# use the default parameter grid
grid <- gensvm.grid(x, y, verbose=TRUE)

# use a smaller parameter grid
pg <- expand.grid(p=c(1.0, 1.5, 2.0), kappa=c(-0.9, 1.0), epsilon=c(1e-3))
grid <- gensvm.grid(x, y, param.grid=pg)

# print the result

# Using a custom scoring function (accuracy as percentage)
acc.pct <- function(yt, yp) { return (100 * sum(yt == yp) / length(yt)) }
grid <- gensvm.grid(x, y, scoring=acc.pct)

# With RBF kernel and very verbose progress printing
pg <- expand.grid(kernel=c('rbf'), gamma=c(1e-2, 1e-1, 1, 1e1, 1e2),
                  lambda=c(1e-8, 1e-6), max.iter=c(5000))
grid <- gensvm.grid(x, y, param.grid=pg, verbose=2)

[Package gensvm version 0.1.7 Index]