A B C D E F G H I L M N P Q R S T U V W Z misc
gamlss-package | Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
acfResid | ACF plot of the residuals |
add1All | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
add1TGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
additive.fit | Implementing Backfitting in GAMLSS |
AIC.gamlss | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
bfp | Functions to fit fractional polynomials in GAMLSS |
bp | Bucket plot |
calibration | Calibrating centile curves |
centiles | Plots the centile curves for a GAMLSS object |
centiles.com | Comparing centiles from different GAMLSS models |
centiles.fan | Plots the centile curves for a GAMLSS object |
centiles.pred | Creating predictive centiles values |
centiles.split | Plots centile curves split by x for a GAMLSS object |
chooseDist | Fitting Different Parametric 'gamlss.family' Distributions. |
chooseDistPred | Fitting Different Parametric 'gamlss.family' Distributions. |
coef.gamlss | Extract Model Coefficients in a GAMLSS fitted model |
coefAll | Extract Model Coefficients in a GAMLSS fitted model |
cs | Specify a Smoothing Cubic Spline Fit in a GAMLSS Formula |
cs.control | Specify a Smoothing Cubic Spline Fit in a GAMLSS Formula |
CV | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
cy | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
cy.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
deviance.gamlss | Global Deviance of a GAMLSS model |
devianceIncr | The global deviance increment |
drop1All | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
drop1TGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
dtop | Detrended transformed Owen's plot |
ECDF | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
edf | Effective degrees of freedom from gamlss model |
edfAll | Effective degrees of freedom from gamlss model |
extractAIC.gamlss | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
find.hyper | A function to select values of hyper-parameters in a GAMLSS model |
findPower | Quantile Sheets |
fitDist | Fitting Different Parametric 'gamlss.family' Distributions. |
fitDistPred | Fitting Different Parametric 'gamlss.family' Distributions. |
fitted.gamlss | Extract Fitted Values For A GAMLSS Model |
fittedPlot | Plots The Fitted Values of a GAMLSS Model |
formula.gamlss | Extract the Model Formula in a GAMLSS fitted model |
fp | Functions to fit fractional polynomials in GAMLSS |
fv | Extract Fitted Values For A GAMLSS Model |
GAIC | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
GAIC.scaled | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
GAIC.table | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
gamlss | Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gamlss.control | Auxiliary for Controlling GAMLSS Fitting |
gamlss.cs | Support for Function cs() and scs() |
gamlss.cy | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.fp | Support for Function fp() |
gamlss.lo | Support for Function lo() |
gamlss.pb | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pbc | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pbm | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pbo | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pbp | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pbz | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pcat | Reduction for the Levels of a Factor. |
gamlss.pp | Support for Function fp() |
gamlss.ps | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.pvc | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.random | Support for Functions random() and re() |
gamlss.re | Support for Functions random() and re() |
gamlss.ri | Support for Functions for smoothers |
gamlss.scope | Generate a Scope Argument for Stepwise GAMLSS |
gamlssCV | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
gamlssML | Maximum Likelihood estimation of a simple GAMLSS model |
gamlssMLpred | Maximum Likelihood estimation of a simple GAMLSS model |
gamlssNews | Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
gamlssVGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
gen.likelihood | A function to generate the likelihood function from a GAMLSS object |
get.K | Robust Variance-Covariance matrix of the parameters from a fitted GAMLSS model |
get.rqres | Creating and Plotting Randomized Quantile Residuals |
getOrder | Fitting Different Parametric 'gamlss.family' Distributions. |
getPEF | Getting the partial effect function from a continuous term in a GAMLSS model |
getQuantile | Getting the partial quantile function for a term |
getSmo | Extracting Smoother information from a GAMLSS fitted object |
getTGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
getZmatrix | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
glim.control | Auxiliary for Controlling the inner algorithm in a GAMLSS Fitting |
histDist | This function plots the histogram and a fitted (GAMLSS family) distribution to a variable |
histSmo | Density estimation using the Poisson trick |
histSmoC | Density estimation using the Poisson trick |
histSmoO | Density estimation using the Poisson trick |
histSmoP | Density estimation using the Poisson trick |
IC | Gives the GAIC for a GAMLSS Object |
is.gamlss | Generalized Additive Models for Location Scale and Shape |
lms | A function to fit LMS curves for centile estimation |
lo | Specify a loess fit in a GAMLSS formula |
lo.control | Specify a loess fit in a GAMLSS formula |
loglogplot | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
loglogplot0 | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
loglogSurv | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
loglogSurv1 | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
loglogSurv2 | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
loglogSurv3 | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
logSurv | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
logSurv0 | Survival function plots for checking the tail behaviour of the data |
lp | Extract Linear Predictor Values and Standard Errors For A GAMLSS Model |
lpred | Extract Linear Predictor Values and Standard Errors For A GAMLSS Model |
LR.test | Likelihood Ratio test for nested GAMLSS models |
model.frame.gamlss | Extract a model.frame, a model matrix or terms from a GAMLSS object for a given distributional parameter |
model.matrix.gamlss | Extract a model.frame, a model matrix or terms from a GAMLSS object for a given distributional parameter |
numeric.deriv | An internal GAMLSS function for numerical derivatives |
par.plot | A function to plot parallel plot for repeated measurement data |
pb | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pb.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbc | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbc.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbm | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbm.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbo | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbo.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbp | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbp.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbz | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pbz.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pcat | Reduction for the Levels of a Factor. |
pdf.plot | Plots Probability Distribution Functions for GAMLSS Family |
plot.gamlss | Plot Residual Diagnostics for an GAMLSS Object |
plot.histSmo | A Plotting Function for density estimator object histSmo |
plot2way | Function to plot two interaction in a GAMLSS model |
plotDF | Reduction for the Levels of a Factor. |
plotLambda | Reduction for the Levels of a Factor. |
poly.matrix | Auxiliary support for the GAMLSS |
polyS | Auxiliary support for the GAMLSS |
pp | Functions to fit fractional polynomials in GAMLSS |
predict.gamlss | Extract Predictor Values and Standard Errors For New Data In a GAMLSS Model |
predictAll | Extract Predictor Values and Standard Errors For New Data In a GAMLSS Model |
print.gamlss | Prints a GAMLSS fitted model |
prodist.gamlss | Extracting Fitted or Predicted Probability Distributions from gamlss Models |
prof.dev | Plotting the Profile Deviance for one of the Parameters in a GAMLSS model |
prof.term | Plotting the Profile: deviance or information criterion for one of the terms (or hyper-parameters) in a GAMLSS model |
ps | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pvc | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
pvc.control | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
Q.stats | A function to calculate the Q-statistics |
quantSheets | Quantile Sheets |
quantSheets.control | Quantile Sheets |
random | Specify a random intercept model in a GAMLSS formula |
re | Specify a random intercept model in a GAMLSS formula |
refit | Refit a GAMLSS model |
residuals.gamlss | Extract Residuals from GAMLSS model |
ri | Specify ridge or lasso Regression within a GAMLSS Formula |
rqres.plot | Creating and Plotting Randomized Quantile Residuals |
Rsq | Generalised (Pseudo) R-squared for GAMLSS models |
rvcov | Robust Variance-Covariance matrix of the parameters from a fitted GAMLSS model |
scs | Specify a Smoothing Cubic Spline Fit in a GAMLSS Formula |
stepGAIC | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stepGAIC.CH | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stepGAIC.VR | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stepGAICAll.A | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stepGAICAll.B | Choose a model by GAIC in a Stepwise Algorithm |
stepTGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
stepTGDAll.A | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
summary.gamlss | Summarizes a GAMLSS fitted model |
term.plot | Plot regression terms for a specified parameter of a fitted GAMLSS object |
terms.gamlss | Extract a model.frame, a model matrix or terms from a GAMLSS object for a given distributional parameter |
TGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
update.gamlss | Update and Re-fit a GAMLSS Model |
VC.test | Vuong and Clarke tests |
VGD | A Set of Functions for selecting Models using Validation or Test Data Sets and Cross Validation |
vis.lo | Specify a loess fit in a GAMLSS formula |
wp | Worm plot |
z.scores | Z-scores for lms objects |
z.scoresQS | Quantile Sheets |
.binom | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.counts | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.gamlss.bi.list | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.gamlss.multin.list | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.gamlss.sm.list | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.hat.WX | P-Splines Fits in a GAMLSS Formula |
.real0to1 | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.realAll | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.realline | Lists used by GAMLSS |
.realplus | Lists used by GAMLSS |