Tools for 2D and 3D Plots of Single and Multi-Objective Linear/Integer Programming Models

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Documentation for package ‘gMOIP’ version 1.5.2

Help Pages

addNDSet Add discrete points to a non-dominated set and classify them into extreme supported, non-extreme supported, non-supported.
addRays Add all points on the bounding box hit by the rays.
binaryPoints Binary (0-1) points in the feasible region (Ax<=b).
classifyNDSet Classify a set of nondominated points
convexHull Find the convex hull of a set of points.
cornerPoints Calculate the corner points for the polytope Ax<=b.
cornerPointsCont Calculate the corner points for the polytope Ax<=b assuming all variables are continuous.
criterionPoints Calculate the criterion points of a set of points and ranges to find the set of non-dominated points (Pareto points) and classify them into extreme supported, non-extreme supported, non-supported.
df2String Convert each row to a string.
dimFace Return the dimension of the convex hull of a set of points.
finalize3D Finalize the RGL window.
genNDSet Generate a sample of nondominated points.
genSample Generate a sample of points in dimension $p$.
getTexture Save a point symbol as a temporary file.
gMOIPTheme The 'ggplot' theme for the package
hullSegment Find segments (lines) of a face.
inHull Efficient test for points inside a convex hull in p dimensions.
ini3D Initialize the RGL window.
integerPoints Integer points in the feasible region (Ax<=b).
loadView Help function to load the view angle for the RGL 3D plot from a file or matrix
mergeLists Merge two lists to one
plotCones2D Plot a cone defined by a point in 2D.
plotCones3D Plot a cone defined by a point in 3D.
plotCriterion2D Create a plot of the criterion space of a bi-objective problem
plotHull2D Plot the convex hull of a set of points in 2D.
plotHull3D Plot the convex hull of a set of points in 3D.
plotLines2D Plot the lines of a linear mathematical program (Ax = b)
plotMTeX3D Plot TeX in the margin
plotNDSet2D Create a plot of a discrete non-dominated set.
plotPlane3D Plot a plane in 3D.
plotPoints3D Plot points in 3D.
plotPolygon3D Plot a polygon.
plotPolytope Plot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear mathematical program (Ax <= b)
plotPolytope2D Plot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear mathematical program
plotPolytope3D Plot the polytope (bounded convex set) of a linear mathematical program
plotRectangle3D Plot a rectangle defined by two corner points.
plotTeX3D Plot TeX at a position.
plotTitleTeX3D Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data using TeX strings.
pngSize To size of the png file.
saveView Help function to save the view angle for the RGL 3D plot
slices Find all corner points in the slices define for each fixed integer combination.
texToPng Convert LaTeX to a png file