plotTitleTeX3D {gMOIP}R Documentation

Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data using TeX strings.


Draw boxes, axes and other text outside the data using TeX strings.


  main = NULL,
  sub = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  zlab = NULL,
  line = NA,



The main title for the plot.


The subtitle for the plot.


The axis labels for the plot .


The axis labels for the plot .


The axis labels for the plot .


The “line” of the plot margin to draw the label on.


Additional parameters which are passed to plotMTeX3D.


The rectangular prism holding the 3D plot has 12 edges. They are identified using 3 character strings. The first character (⁠x', ⁠y', or ⁠z') selects the direction of the axis. The next two characters are each ⁠-' or ⁠+', selecting the lower or upper end of one of the other coordinates. If only one or two characters are given, the remaining characters default to ⁠-'. For example edge = 'x+' draws an x-axis at the high level of y and the low level of z.

By default, axes3d uses the bbox3d function to draw the axes. The labels will move so that they do not obscure the data. Alternatively, a vector of arguments as described above may be used, in which case fixed axes are drawn using axis3d.

If pos is a numeric vector of length 3, edge determines the direction of the axis and the tick marks, and the values of the other two coordinates in pos determine the position. See the examples.


The object IDs of objects added to the scene.


## Not run: 
ini3D(argsPlot3d = list(xlim = c(0, 2), ylim = c(0, 2), zlim = c(0, 2)))
plotTitleTeX3D(main = "\\LaTeX", sub = "subtitle $\\alpha$",
               xlab = "$x^1_2$", ylab = "$\\beta$", zlab = "$x\\cdot y$")

## End(Not run)

[Package gMOIP version 1.5.2 Index]