Fst-Heterozygosity Smoothed Quantiles

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Documentation for package ‘fsthet’ version 1.0.1

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allele.counts This counts the number of alleles at a locus.
bins Example heterozygosity bins from fsthet.
calc.actual.fst This calcualtes global Fsts from a genepop dataframe.
calc.allele.freq This calculates allele frequencies.
calc.betahat This calculates beta-hat, the Fst value used in Lositan.
calc.exp.het This calculates expected heterozygosities.
calc.fst This calculates Fst.
calc.theta This calculates theta.
ci.means This calculates the average confidence intervals from multiple bootstrap outputs.
cis Example dataframe of smoothed quantiles from fsthet
cis.list Example list of CI matrices from bootstrap output from numerical simulations
fhetboot This is a wrapper to run the bootstrapping and plot the confidence intervals and significant loci.
find.outliers This identifies all of the SNPs outside of the smoothed quantiles in the dataset.
find.quantiles Generates quantiles from binned Fst values
fst.boot This is the major bootstrapping function to calculate confidence intervals.
fst.boot.means Calculates mean values within the bins.
fst.boot.onecol This bootstraps across all individuals to calculate a bootstrapped Fst for a randomly-sampled locus.
fst.options.print This prints the options for choosing an Fst calculation.
fsthet This is a wrapper to generate and plot the smoothed quantiles and identify outliers.
fsts Example fst calculations from a genepop file.
fsts.beta Example fst calculations from a genepop file.
fsts.betahat Example fst calculations from a genepop file.
fsts.theta Example fst calculations from a genepop file.
gpop Example genepop file from numerical simulations
make.bins This sorts Fst values into a designated number of overlapping heterozygosity bins.
my.read.genepop This reads a genepop file into R
p.boot Calculates mean values within the bins.
plotting.cis This plots a dataframe of fsts with bootstrapped confidence intervals.
quant.out Example fsthet output based on numerical simulations
remove.spaces This removes spaces from a character vector
var.fst This calculates Cockerham & Weir's Beta.