A B C D E F G H I L M N O P R S T U V W X misc
aggregate.fixest | Aggregates the values of DiD coefficients a la Sun and Abraham |
AIC.fixest | Aikake's an information criterion |
as.dict | Transforms a character string into a dictionary |
as.list.fixest_multi | Transforms a fixest_multi object into a list |
base_did | Sample data for difference in difference |
base_stagg | Sample data for staggered difference in difference |
BIC.fixest | Bayesian information criterion |
bin | Bins the values of a variable (typically a factor) |
bread.fixest | Extracts the bread matrix from fixest objects |
check_conv_feols | Check the fixed-effects convergence of a 'feols' estimation |
coef.fixest | Extracts the coefficients from a 'fixest' estimation |
coef.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients of fixest_multi objects |
coefficients.fixest | Extracts the coefficients from a 'fixest' estimation |
coefficients.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients of fixest_multi objects |
coefplot | Plots confidence intervals and point estimates |
coeftable | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
coeftable.default | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
coeftable.fixest | Obtain various statistics from an estimation |
coeftable.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients tables from 'fixest_multi' estimations |
collinearity | Collinearity diagnostics for 'fixest' objects |
confint.fixest | Confidence interval for parameters estimated with 'fixest' |
confint.fixest_multi | Confidence intervals for 'fixest_multi' objects |
conley | Conley VCOV |
csw | Stepwise estimation tools |
csw0 | Stepwise estimation tools |
d | Lags a variable in a 'fixest' estimation |
degrees_freedom | Gets the degrees of freedom of a 'fixest' estimation |
degrees_freedom_iid | Gets the degrees of freedom of a 'fixest' estimation |
demean | Centers a set of variables around a set of factors |
demeaning_algo | Controls the parameters of the demeaning procedure |
deviance.fixest | Extracts the deviance of a fixest estimation |
df.residual.fixest | Residual degrees-of-freedom for 'fixest' objects |
did_means | Treated and control sample descriptives |
dof | Governs the small sample correction in 'fixest' VCOVs |
driscoll_kraay | HAC VCOVs |
dsb | Simple and powerful string manipulation with the dot square bracket operator |
emmeans_support | Support for emmeans package |
estfun.fixest | Extracts the scores from a fixest estimation |
esttable | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
esttex | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
est_env | Estimates a 'fixest' estimation from a 'fixest' environment |
etable | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
extralines_register | Register 'extralines' macros to be used in 'etable' |
f | Lags a variable in a 'fixest' estimation |
fdim | Formatted dimension |
feglm | Fixed-effects GLM estimations |
feglm.fit | Fixed-effects GLM estimations |
femlm | Fixed-effects maximum likelihood models |
fenegbin | Fixed-effects maximum likelihood models |
feNmlm | Fixed effects nonlinear maximum likelihood models |
feols | Fixed-effects OLS estimation |
feols.fit | Fixed-effects OLS estimation |
fepois | Fixed-effects GLM estimations |
fitstat | Computes fit statistics of fixest objects |
fitstat_register | Register custom fit statistics |
fitted.fixest | Extracts fitted values from a 'fixest' fit |
fitted.values.fixest | Extracts fitted values from a 'fixest' fit |
fixef.fixest | Extract the Fixed-Effects from a 'fixest' estimation. |
fixest_data | Retrieves the data set used for a 'fixest' estimation |
fixest_startup_msg | Permanently removes the fixest package startup message |
formula.fixest | Extract the formula of a 'fixest' fit |
getFixest_coefplot | Sets the defaults of coefplot |
getFixest_dict | Sets/gets the dictionary relabeling the variables |
getFixest_estimation | Default arguments for fixest estimations |
getFixest_etable | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
getFixest_fml | Sets/gets formula macros |
getFixest_multi | Sets properties of 'fixest_multi' objects |
getFixest_notes | Sets/gets whether to display notes in 'fixest' estimation functions |
getFixest_nthreads | Sets/gets the number of threads to use in 'fixest' functions |
getFixest_print | A print facility for 'fixest' objects. |
getFixest_ssc | Governs the small sample correction in 'fixest' VCOVs |
getFixest_vcov | Sets the default type of standard errors to be used |
hatvalues.fixest | Hat values for 'fixest' objects |
i | Create, or interact variables with, factors |
iplot | Plots confidence intervals and point estimates |
l | Lags a variable in a 'fixest' estimation |
lag.formula | Lags a variable using a formula |
lag_fml | Lags a variable using a formula |
logLik.fixest | Extracts the log-likelihood |
log_etable | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
model.matrix.fixest | Design matrix of a 'fixest' object |
models | Extracts the models tree from a 'fixest_multi' object |
mvsw | Stepwise estimation tools |
newey_west | HAC VCOVs |
nobs.fixest | Extracts the number of observations form a 'fixest' object |
n_models | Gets the dimension of 'fixest_multi' objects |
n_unik | Prints the number of unique elements in a data set |
obs | Extracts the observations used for the estimation |
osize | Formatted object size |
panel | Constructs a 'fixest' panel data base |
plot.fixest.fixef | Displaying the most notable fixed-effects |
predict.fixest | Predict method for 'fixest' fits |
print.etable_df | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
print.etable_tex | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
print.fixest | A print facility for 'fixest' objects. |
print.fixest_fitstat | Print method for fit statistics of fixest estimations |
print.fixest_multi | Print method for fixest_multi objects |
print.list_n_unik | Prints the number of unique elements in a data set |
print.osize | Formatted object size |
print.vec_n_unik | Prints the number of unique elements in a data set |
pvalue | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
pvalue.default | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
pvalue.fixest | Obtain various statistics from an estimation |
pvalue.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients tables from 'fixest_multi' estimations |
r2 | R2s of 'fixest' models |
ref | Refactors a variable |
rep.fixest | Replicates 'fixest' objects |
rep.fixest_list | Replicates 'fixest' objects |
resid.fixest | Extracts residuals from a 'fixest' object |
resid.fixest_multi | Extracts the residuals from a 'fixest_multi' object |
residuals.fixest | Extracts residuals from a 'fixest' object |
residuals.fixest_multi | Extracts the residuals from a 'fixest_multi' object |
sample_df | Randomly draws observations from a data set |
se | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
se.default | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
se.fixest | Obtain various statistics from an estimation |
se.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients tables from 'fixest_multi' estimations |
se.matrix | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
setFixest_coefplot | Sets the defaults of coefplot |
setFixest_dict | Sets/gets the dictionary relabeling the variables |
setFixest_estimation | Default arguments for fixest estimations |
setFixest_etable | Estimations table (export the results of multiples estimations to a DF or to Latex) |
setFixest_fml | Sets/gets formula macros |
setFixest_multi | Sets properties of 'fixest_multi' objects |
setFixest_notes | Sets/gets whether to display notes in 'fixest' estimation functions |
setFixest_nthreads | Sets/gets the number of threads to use in 'fixest' functions |
setFixest_print | A print facility for 'fixest' objects. |
setFixest_ssc | Governs the small sample correction in 'fixest' VCOVs |
setFixest_vcov | Sets the default type of standard errors to be used |
sigma.fixest | Residual standard deviation of 'fixest' estimations |
ssc | Governs the small sample correction in 'fixest' VCOVs |
stepwise | Stepwise estimation tools |
style.df | Style of data.frames created by etable |
style.tex | Style definitions for Latex tables |
summary.fixest | Summary of a 'fixest' object. Computes different types of standard errors. |
summary.fixest.fixef | Summary method for fixed-effects coefficients |
summary.fixest_check_conv | Check the fixed-effects convergence of a 'feols' estimation |
summary.fixest_list | Summary of a 'fixest' object. Computes different types of standard errors. |
summary.fixest_multi | Summary for fixest_multi objects |
sunab | Sun and Abraham interactions |
sunab_att | Sun and Abraham interactions |
sw | Stepwise estimation tools |
sw0 | Stepwise estimation tools |
terms.fixest | Extract the terms |
to_integer | Fast transform of any type of vector(s) into an integer vector |
trade | Trade data sample |
tstat | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
tstat.default | Extracts the coefficients table from an estimation |
tstat.fixest | Obtain various statistics from an estimation |
tstat.fixest_multi | Extracts the coefficients tables from 'fixest_multi' estimations |
unpanel | Dissolves a 'fixest' panel |
update.fixest | Updates a 'fixest' estimation |
update.fixest_multi | Updates a 'fixest' estimation |
vcov.fixest | Computes the variance/covariance of a 'fixest' object |
vcov_cluster | Clustered VCOV |
vcov_conley | Conley VCOV |
vcov_DK | HAC VCOVs |
vcov_hac | HAC VCOVs |
vcov_NW | HAC VCOVs |
wald | Wald test of nullity of coefficients |
weights.fixest | Extracts the weights from a 'fixest' object |
xpd | Expands formula macros |
.l | Replicates 'fixest' objects |
[.fixest_multi | Subsets a fixest_multi object |
[.fixest_panel | Method to subselect from a 'fixest_panel' |
[[.fixest_multi | Extracts one element from a 'fixest_multi' object |