summary.fixest_multi {fixest} | R Documentation |
Summary for fixest_multi objects
Summary information for fixest_multi objects. In particular, this is used to specify the
type of standard-errors to be computed.
## S3 method for class 'fixest_multi'
type = "short",
vcov = NULL,
se = NULL,
cluster = NULL,
ssc = NULL,
.vcov = NULL,
stage = 2,
lean = FALSE,
n = 1000,
object |
A fixest_multi object, obtained from a fixest estimation leading to
multiple results.
type |
A character either equal to "short" , "long" , "compact" , "se_compact"
or "se_long" . If short , only the table of coefficients is displayed for each estimation.
If long , then the full results are displayed for each estimation. If compact ,
a data.frame is returned with one line per model and the formatted
coefficients + standard-errors in the columns. If se_compact , a data.frame is
returned with one line per model, one numeric column for each coefficient and one numeric
column for each standard-error. If "se_long" , same as "se_compact" but the data is in a
long format instead of wide.
vcov , .vcov |
Versatile argument to specify the VCOV. In general, it is either a character
scalar equal to a VCOV type, either a formula of the form: vcov_type ~ variables . The
VCOV types implemented are: "iid", "hetero" (or "HC1"), "cluster", "twoway",
"NW" (or "newey_west"), "DK" (or "driscoll_kraay"), and "conley". It also accepts
object from vcov_cluster , vcov_NW , NW ,
vcov_DK , DK , vcov_conley and
conley . It also accepts covariance matrices computed externally.
Finally it accepts functions to compute the covariances. See the vcov documentation
in the vignette.
se |
Character scalar. Which kind of standard error should be computed:
“standard”, “hetero”, “cluster”, “twoway”, “threeway”
or “fourway”? By default if there are clusters in the estimation:
se = "cluster" , otherwise se = "iid" . Note that this argument is deprecated,
you should use vcov instead.
cluster |
Tells how to cluster the standard-errors (if clustering is requested).
Can be either a list of vectors, a character vector of variable names, a formula or
an integer vector. Assume we want to perform 2-way clustering over var1 and var2
contained in the data.frame base used for the estimation. All the following
cluster arguments are valid and do the same thing:
cluster = base[, c("var1", "var2")] , cluster = c("var1", "var2") , cluster = ~var1+var2 .
If the two variables were used as fixed-effects in the estimation, you can leave it
blank with vcov = "twoway" (assuming var1 [resp. var2 ] was
the 1st [resp. 2nd] fixed-effect). You can interact two variables using ^ with
the following syntax: cluster = ~var1^var2 or cluster = "var1^var2" .
ssc |
An object of class ssc.type obtained with the function ssc . Represents
how the degree of freedom correction should be done.You must use the function ssc
for this argument. The arguments and defaults of the function ssc are:
adj = TRUE , fixef.K="nested" , cluster.adj = TRUE , cluster.df = "min" ,
t.df = "min" , fixef.force_exact=FALSE) . See the help of the function ssc for details.
stage |
Can be equal to 2 (default), 1 , 1:2 or 2:1 . Only used if the object
is an IV estimation: defines the stage to which summary should be applied. If stage = 1
and there are multiple endogenous regressors or if stage is of length 2, then an
object of class fixest_multi is returned.
lean |
Logical, default is FALSE . Used to reduce the (memory) size of the summary object.
If TRUE , then all objects of length N (the number of observations) are removed
from the result. Note that some fixest methods may consequently not work when applied
to the summary.
n |
Integer, default is 1000. Number of coefficients to display when the print method
is used.
... |
Not currently used.
It returns either an object of class fixest_multi
(if type
equals short
or long
either a data.frame
(if type equals compact
or se_compact
See Also
The main fixest estimation functions: feols
, fepois
, feglm
, feNmlm
. Tools for mutliple fixest
estimations: summary.fixest_multi
, print.fixest_multi
, as.list.fixest_multi
, sub-.fixest_multi
base = iris
names(base) = c("y", "x1", "x2", "x3", "species")
# Multiple estimation
res = feols(y ~ csw(x1, x2, x3), base, split = ~species)
# By default, the type is "short"
# You can still use the arguments from summary.fixest
summary(res, se = "hetero")
summary(res, type = "long")
summary(res, type = "compact")
summary(res, type = "se_compact")
summary(res, type = "se_long")
fixest version 0.12.1