Post-Processing MCMC Outputs of Bayesian Factor Analytic Models

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Documentation for package ‘factor.switching’ version 1.4

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factor.switching-package Post-Processing MCMC Outputs of Bayesian Factor Analytic Models
compareMultipleChains Compare multiple chains
credible.region Compute a simultaneous credible region (rectangle) from a sample for a vector valued parameter.
factor.switching Post-Processing MCMC Outputs of Bayesian Factor Analytic Models
plot.rsp Plot posterior means and credible regions
procrustes_switching Orthogonal Procrustes rotations
rsp_exact Rotation-Sign-Permutation (RSP) algorithm (Exact scheme)
rsp_full_sa Rotation-Sign-Permutation (RSP) algorithm (Full Simulated Annealing)
rsp_partial_sa Rotation-Sign-Permutation (RSP) algorithm (Partial Simulated Annealing)
small_posterior_2chains Example data
switch_and_permute Apply sign switchings and column permutations
weighted_procrustes_switching Weighted Orthogonal Procrustes rotations