Eye-Tracking Data Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘eyetrackingR’ version 0.2.1

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add_aoi Add an area-of-interest to your dataset, based on x-y coordinates and the AOI rectangle.
analyze_boot_splines Estimate confidence intervals for bootstrapped splines data
analyze_boot_splines.boot_splines_data Estimate confidence intervals for bootstrapped splines data
analyze_time_bins analyze_time_bins()
analyze_time_bins.time_sequence_data analyze_time_bins()
analyze_time_clusters Bootstrap analysis of time-clusters.
analyze_time_clusters.time_cluster_data Bootstrap analysis of time-clusters.
clean_by_trackloss Clean data by removing high-trackloss trials/subjects.
describe_data Describe dataset
eyetrackingR eyetrackingR: A package for cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing eye-tracking datasets
get_time_clusters Get information about the clusters in a cluster-analysis
get_time_clusters.cluster_analysis Get information about the clusters in a cluster-analysis
get_time_clusters.time_cluster_data Get information about the clusters in a cluster-analysis
make_boot_splines_data Bootstrap resample splines for time-series data.
make_boot_splines_data.time_sequence_data Bootstrap resample splines for time-series data.
make_eyetrackingr_data Convert raw data for use in eyetrackingR
make_onset_data Make onset-contingent data.
make_switch_data Summarize data into time-to-switch from initial AOI.
make_switch_data.onset_data Summarize data into time-to-switch from initial AOI.
make_time_cluster_data Make data for cluster analysis.
make_time_cluster_data.time_sequence_data Make data for cluster analysis.
make_time_sequence_data make_time_sequence_data()
make_time_window_data Make a dataset collapsing over a time-window
plot.bin_analysis Plot test-statistic for each time-bin in a time-series
plot.boot_splines_analysis Plot differences in bootstrapped-splines data
plot.boot_splines_data Plot bootstrapped-splines data
plot.cluster_analysis Visualize the results of a cluster analysis.
plot.eyetrackingR_data_summary Plot some summarized data from eyetrackingR
plot.onset_data Plot onset-contingent data
plot.switch_data Plot mean switch-from-initial-AOI times.
plot.time_cluster_data Plot test-statistic for each time-bin in a time-series, highlight clusters. Plot time_cluster_data, highlights clusters of above-threshold time-bins.
plot.time_sequence_data Plot time-sequence data
plot.time_window_data Plot a time-window dataset
print.cluster_analysis Print Method for Cluster Analysis
reclass Add the original class/attributes back onto result (usually of dplyr operation)
reclass.eyetrackingR_df Add the original class/attributes back onto result (usually of dplyr operation)
simulate_eyetrackingr_data Simulate an eyetrackingR dataset
subset_by_window Extract a subset of the dataset within a time-window in each trial.
summary.bin_analysis Summary Method for Time-bin Analysis
summary.boot_splines_analysis Summary Method for Bootstrapped Splines Analysis
summary.cluster_analysis Summary Method for Cluster Analysis
summary.time_cluster_data Summary Method for Cluster Analysis
trackloss_analysis Analyze trackloss.
word_recognition Data collected in an infant eyetracking study