word_recognition {eyetrackingR} | R Documentation |
Data collected in an infant eyetracking study
Data from a simple 2-alternative forced choice (2AFC) word recognition task administered to 19- and 24-month-olds. On each trial, infants were shown a picture of an animate object (e.g., a horse) and an inanimate object (e.g., a spoon). After inspecting the images, they disappeared and they heard a label referring to one of them (e.g., "The horse is nearby!"). Finally, the objects re-appeared on the screen and they were prompted to look at the target (e.g., "Look at the horse!").
A data frame with 53940 rows and 10 variables:
- ParticipantName
Uniaue participant ID
- Sex
M or F
- Age
Age, in months
- TrialNum
Unique Trial Number
- Trial
Name of item shown on trial (also unique for each participant)
- TimeFromTrialOnset
Time within trial
- Subphase
Subphase within trial (see above)
- TimeFromSubphaseOnset
Time within subphase
Which AOI are they looking at
- Animate
Are they looking at the animate AOI?
- Inanimate
Are they looking at the inanimate AOI?
- TrackLoss
Does current sample not have valid tracking data?
- MCDI_Total
Total vocabulary score on MCDI
- MCDI_Nouns
Noun vocabulary score on MCDI
- MCDI_Verbs
Verb vocabulary score on MCDI
Ferguson, B., Graf, E., & Waxman, S. R. (2014). Infants use known verbs to learn novel nouns: Evidence from 15- and 19-month-olds. Cognition, 131(1), 139-146.