Wildlife Mortality Estimator for Low Fatality Rates and Imperfect Detection

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Documentation for package ‘eoa3’ version

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calcMstar Calculate posterior distribution of M and extract statistics (M* and CI)
cpdata0 A template for carcass persistence data with interval-censored carcass persistence times
days0 A template for search schedule data
eoa3 Evidence of Absense
est_cp0 Fit cp carcass persistence models
est_g0 estimate g from fitted pk and cp models and search schedule
est_pk0 Fit pk searcher efficiency models
fmmax Find suitable mmax for clipping improper priors for M
fmmax.ab Find suitable mmax for clipping improper priors for M
getab retrieve EoA parameterization from 'survival' parameterization of a fitted cp model (or 'survreg' object with exponential, weibull, lognormal, or loglogistic distribution)
MCI Calculate posterior distribution of M and extract statistics (M* and CI)
MpriorOK Check validity of format of custom prior for M
pkdata0 A template for summarized searcher efficiency data with the number of carcasses available and the number discovered for N = 12 search occasions
postM Calculate posterior distribution of M and extract statistics (M* and CI)
postM.ab Calculate posterior distribution of M and extract statistics (M* and CI)
sim_cp0 generate random cp parameters or persistence times
sim_pk0 Simulate pk parameters from model
summary.estg Summary statistics for estimated g
summary.estpk Summary statistics for estimated p and p parameters