est_pk0 {eoa3}R Documentation

Fit pk searcher efficiency models


Searcher efficiency is modeled as a function of the number of times a carcass has been missed in previous searches and any number of covariates.


est_pk0(pkdata, kFixed = NULL, n.iter = 1000, ...)



Search trial data entered in a list of N-vectors, $n and $y, indicating the number of carcasses available and the number discovered in searcher efficiency field trials in which carcasses were available for discovery. [NOTE: In earlier versions of eoa, the vectors were $M and $X. The names have been changed to avoid confusion with the M and X for total mortality and carcasses discovered carcass survey.]


If trial carcassses are available for discovery for one search and data are insufficient for estimating k, a fixed, assumed value must be entered for k.


number of iterations to use in updating the JAGS model for p and k


Other parameters that may be used in called functions (esp. burn for updating the JAGS function)


The probability of finding a carcass that is present at the time of search is p on the first search after carcass arrival and is assumed to decrease by a factor of k each time the carcass is missed in searches.


A list with an nsim x 2 matrix of simulated p and k values the joint posterior for SE.

[Package eoa3 version Index]